Uxbridge, Middlesex, UK

1 Conversation

Uxbridge (humourous anagram Big Durex)

The word Uxbridge appears in various London towns and villages usually with the word Road following it. Everyone knows there is a road going to Uxbridge but it's one of those places that nobody knows where it is.
Well here's the answer to that and some other questions.

Firstly - just to put the record straight it is not a bridge over the Ux. The local rivers are the Frayes and the Pinn. Neither is it the best combination of Universities - that's Oxbridge.

It is in West London in the London Borough of Hillingdon. On a map of England you would see it as being close to where the M25 (the circular motorway that runs like a moat around London) and the M40 (Taking Londoners to Birmingham or "Brummies" to London) cross. It's a place which many people have passed close to but not been brave enough to have explored

Greatest claims to fame:

  • Where to find Brunel University.
  • Place where a treaty wasn't signed during the English Civil war - but they got jolly close (Crown and Treaty pub marks the site).
  • Terminal for the Picadilly and Metropolitan tube lines.
  • First Byelection after 1997 General Election (Sir Michael Shersby (Con) died just a week after the election) and first defeat for Labour when they refused to allow local candidate to stand.

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