Col Colly-Colli

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Col Colly-Colli made a racket down town,
when he caught a massive bucket full of lead.

You'd really have to see it, really to believe it,
But he damn near ended up near being dead.

Go Colly-Colli, Go Colly-Colli,
Go Colly-Colli knock 'em dead.

Go Colly-Colli, Go Colly-Colli,
Go and sock it to them in the head.

Now Col Colly-Colli was a boxer one time,
And some would say that he could have been the best

But Poor Colli-Colly came a cropper one day,
When he came across, by far, his greatest test.

Go Colly-Colli, Go Colly-Colli,
Go Colly-Colli knock 'em dead.

Go Colly-Colli, Go Colly-Colli,
Go and sock it to them in the head.

Max Piper was a fighter of incredible speed,
And Colly-Colli just could not get ahead

Piper socked it to him with powerful hook,
And he spent the next two fortnights in a bed.

Go Colly-Colli, Go Colly-Colli,
Go Colly-Colli knock 'em dead.

Go Colly-Colli, Go Colly-Colli,
Go and sock it to them in the head.

One day "old man Colly", who had hung up his gloves,
Decided to go and buy a loaf of bread

He was jeered through the market, sneered by lasses
But they wouldn't being laughing too long

Go Colly-Colli, Go Colly-Colli,
Go Colly-Colli knock 'em dead.

Go Colly-Colli, Go Colly-Colli,
Go and sock it to them in the head.

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