Angels and Demons
Created | Updated Jun 11, 2003
The following was originally intended as part of the entry In Nomine. As such, some of it may be erroneous, but it is correct for the game. When you think about it, it's possible that all of this is false, since no living human actually knows anything about the Celestial realm. However, for the most part, this agrees with standard Christian and Muslim dogma, theology, and demonology.
A Few Words
Angel: A bright Celestial being
Demon: A dark Celestial being
Celestial Realm: That which encompasses Heaven and Hell
Corporeal Realm: The physical world
Ethereal Realm: The dream world, divided into Beleth's Marches (nightmares), Blandine's Marches (dreams), and the Far Marches (pagan gods and creatures of myth live here)
Discord: The product of too much dissonance, it can manifest in a variety of ways, none of them pleasant.
PC: Here, it is used to mean Player Character, someone who is playing In Nomine
The Symphony
In the beginning, God wrote the Symphony, an act which created the Heavens and the Earth. And while He was at it, He created Himself as well. All knowledge is contained in the Symphony, and the Symphony is inescapable; it is written inside every atom and across every galaxy.
God the created the bene-elohim, angels, to watch over the Symphony. They hold a special place in creation, formed from the light of divinity but clad in the firmament of reality. Each angel has a specific nature, a resonance to the Symphony, which determines its purpose in the grand scheme of things. When an angel acts according to its resonance, it rings true in cool, clear tones. However, when an angel goes against its basic nature, it creates jarring notes of dissonance. If an angel generates too much dissonance, he/ she will eventually fall from grace.
Millennia ago, one third of the angels rebelled against God, the other angels, and even themselves. Not content as mere instruments of the Symphony, they instead wished for it to serve them. The rebel angels united under Lucifer, Archangel of Light, but were hopelessly outnumbered. Lucifer himself was defeated in single combat by Michael, Archangel of War, and the rebels, who called themselves Diabolicals, were cast into the celestial realm of Hell, form where they continue to plot their dark designs for humanity and the subversion of the Symphony to their own vision. This event became known as The Fall.
Though this taught a harsh reminder to the angels, it was not enough. Sometimes an angel has no choice but to go against its nature. The lucky ones can be rid of their dissonance in time, but others seem determined to fall from grace. Evil, too, has a resonance all its own. The fallen found themselves changed, better suited to evil. Now known as demons, one who denies its own selfish nature will generate dissonance in a similar manner to an angel. There is one word for a demon full of dissonance: pitiful. Most are killed by their own kind. A very few manage to survive to redemption, to regain the divinity they once scorned.
And so the battle continues, now and far into the future, across all planes and in the hearts, minds and souls of mortals. It's war, and the prize is human souls. The celestials battle onwards, killing bodies, breaking hearts, shattering souls, hoping for the best. God help the rest.
Choirs of Angels
The angels are God's creation of order, charged with keeping the Symphony pure. Each Choir has a specific nature, a resonance, and going against this generates dissonance. The Choir an angel belongs to is, in a way, indicative of the type of music it represents (and also enjoys). There are many other Choirs besides the seven described here, but these are currently most active and the ones to which the PCs may belong. The Choir that an angel belongs to could be thought of as the type of instrument it represents in the Symphony. Perhaps more important, however, is the Archangel that the angel serves - this could be thought of as representing the kind of music the angel plays. A similar situation exists for the demons and Demon Princes. The Archangels and Princes are discussed in a separate entry. To read it, click here.
Seraphim, the Most Holy
The Seraphim are the highest of the angels, and also least human. They have the greatest connection to the Symphony. They can also always detect when someone is lying, whether consciously, knowingly, or not. They hate pop culture, and cannot stand TV. However, being the least human means that the Seraphim have absolutely no tact whatsoever. This means that they will often blinder into awkward situations when they fell compelled to point out a truth that other gracefully ignored. Fortunately they detest dealing with humans one to one. Most do, however, have enough self-control to stand by and let another lie when it's absolutely vital, though they won't like it. If a Seraphim lies, it generates dissonance.
In their Celestial (true) forms, Seraphim resemble a winged, many-eyed serpent. Their Corporeal forms are generally tall and thin, clean-cut and well kept, an appearance that befits Celestial nobility. In most cases of heavenly debate, a Seraph's word is the final one*. Other angels have great respect for Seraphim, who act as if they deserve it. They think of themselves as stringed instruments, with a piercing sweetness and clarity that lingers long after the note itself is gone. One can die happy if once in their lives, they hear a Seraph play a violin.
Cherubim, the Guardians
Cherubim are guardian angels. If the Seraphim are nobility, the Cherubim are knights in shining armour. Each Cherub may attune itself to a person or, in some cases, an object, and they will always know where it is, as well as generally knowing what condition it is in. Once attuned, they are single-mindedly devoted to protecting the object of their attunement, and they generate dissonance if it is harmed. Because of this danger, they are very selective in their attunements, granting their divine attention only to someone or something truly worthy. However, a Cherub must above all NEVER betray their Superior, which can occasionally get them into a web of divided loyalties.
A Cherub's human vessel tends to be stocky, compact and powerful. Their Celestial forms are animals such as lions and bears with wings and halos. Why Western artists began depicting them as cute, pudgy babies several centuries ago remains a mystery; the Cherubim were not amused. Demonic influence is suspected. Musically, the Cherubim prefer one-handed horns and saxophones.
Ofanim, the Wheels
These guys live for motion - in fact, they generate dissonance if they are immobile! In their spare time, they like to watch TV while pacing rapidly and gesturing wildly. They are quite whimsical*, but they do produce the most tangible short-term results. An Ofanite will always know the shortest and fastest route to a destination - and take it despite any danger.
In their Celestial forms, Ofanim manifest as giant wheels of holy fire, wheeling across the sky. Their Corporeal forms are twitchy and bony, with rumpled clothes from all the fast motion. Their eyes often betray madness, but never fear. They think of themselves as percussion instruments, preferably heavy metal.
Elohim, the Powers
These angels represent balance. They are able to sense whatever emotions a person is feeling at any one time just by looking at them. Though the Elohim themselves do have emotions, they do not allow them to control their actions - only observation and cold, hard facts will dictate how they act. For this reason, they are often sought out as arbitrators in Celestial debate, as they are the most neutral entities in the Universe. Though they strive for perfect neutrality, some other angels fear their success - Hell is full of heartless angels. Other angels also occasionally find this frustrating, since the Elohim can never take a stand on a single subjective idea.
Elohim do not believe any one thing or place is better than another; if you're in a bar, that's where you are, and if you want to be in a diplomatic embassy, go there. Their Celestial forms are humanoid things of pure light, androgynous (or, more accurately, sexless) with bald heads and large, perceptive eyes. They have no preferred style of Corporeal form, since no form is intrinsically any better than any other. Musically, despite their neutrality in all matters, they prefer bells, chime, and whistles.
Malakim, the Virtues
The Malakim are Heaven's soldiers, and the only Choir that has lost no members to demonhood. They are the most honorable, and also arguably the darkest angels. Each has their own separate code of honour, consisting of at least four oaths, of which two are constant: 1, a Malakite will never allow evil to live by his/ her own choice, and 2, a Malakite will never surrender in the middle of a fight. Many have died Corporeally hundreds of times. Malakim generate dissonance if they dishonour themselves, and, though they are the most violent, arrogant, cruel, brutal, and tyrannical Choir of angels, they are also the most efficient, and though they seem ruthless, their motives are unquestionable. They can tell how good, evil, and honourable a person is and can be by simply paying a little bit of attention.
A Malakite's Celestial form is that of a shadowy human figure with jet-black wings. Their Corporeal vessels aren't anything special. They use purely utilitarian clothing, preferably from animals that they hunted and killed themselves. They tend to see themselves as bass drums, setting the rhythm of the Symphony with their strong hands and cold hearts.
Kyriotates, the Dominations
Kyriotates are gifted with the ability unique among angels to inhabit multiple host bodies at once, each for up to six days at a time. A strong Kyriotate could occupy a tiger, two humans, a pack of wolves, or a swarm of insects. However, they are normally unable to create their own vessels, and once they leave a host, they have a maximum of one hour to find a new one, otherwise they will be yanked back to Heaven to deal with an angry Superior. For this reason, many Kyriotates have a group of human friends who allow the angel to possess them for a few days at a time. They generate dissonance by leaving a body in worse shape than they found it.
Due to their nature, Kyriotates have no general Earthly appearance. Their Celestial forms are insane, randomly changing collections of eyes, limbs, and mouths. Humans who have seen this have been known to pray for the refuge of insanity. Musically, they prefer woodwinds such as flutes and clarinets.
Mercurians, The Friends of Man
Mercurians are the least divine Choir of angels, and consequently, the most human. They are Heaven's diplomats, sent to guide humanity on its path to order and to create politics, which despite widespread hatred among humans, is necessary to avoid bloodshed. When they walk into a room, Mercurians can instantly grasp the social structure: who is in charge, who is submissive, etc. With an individual human, they can tell what relationships he/ she maintains and the importance of each in that person's life. Due to their closeness to humanity, Mercurians love humans more than any other race or order of being; even humanity. This makes them great friends and wonderful conversationalists. Fashion critics all, a Mercurian will always aim to be the best dressed in a room, or at least the most suave.
A Mercurian would never be caught in an unattractive vessel, unless ugliness was required. Their Celestial forms are Western civilization's typical image of a 'true' angel: perfect bodies, smooth skin, warm, open hearts, and halos. Mecurians are forbidden to engage in violence, except against demons - especially Impudites. Musically, the think of themselves as singers, and the voice can be as much an instrument as any wooden or metal object.
Grigori, the Watchers
The Mercurians were not always the lowest Choir of angels. When humanity first evolved, God placed the eighth Choir, the Grigori, on earth to act as guides, helping humans with the finer points of civilization. These beings were gigantic, both physically and spiritually, according to those who later wrote about them. However, the Grigori were too human, and, taking husbands and wives from among humans, became corrupted by the pleasures of the flesh. They created monstrous half-breed children, known to demons as Nephallim, and angels were quickly dispatched to eliminate the half-breeds. God sentenced the Grigori to be exiled on earth for the rest of eternity, teaching humans which sticks to rub together and trying to avoid the attentions of Dominic, Archangel of Judgment. However, unknown to most angels, the Grigori also spawned beautiful children, who looked just like humans but were part angel. While the highest estimates for Grigori surviving today are around 50, there are too many Children to count. Angels are strictly forbidden to associate with these Children, or God Forbid, any actual Grigori that they might find.
The Children of the Grigori are mostly unaware of their origins, but many know that they're not like normal people. A few underground groups have been formed by these Children to track down others. Many believe themselves to be the descendants of an ancient races - for example, the descendants of refugees from Atlantis. In a way, this is true; they are descended from a kind and gentle race who came from far away to teach and inspire.
Most of these Children can exert some small amount of control over the Symphony, though whether they do it consciously is another matter. Any harm they do is usually accidental .A few have altered the course of human history as much as any Celestial. All in all, they are in fact one of the last major human forces fighting the flow of civilization towards the Pit. For this reason, a growing number of angles consider the Children to be, not a loose cannon, but a sacred 'Ace in the Hole.' Some even dream of reuniting them with Heaven. However, while the Children who are aware of their true heritage shun demons instinctively, they also have little love for angels, acting all high and mighty and pretending that they don't exist. Any attempt to reunite them with the Host will require a great deal of finesse.
The plight of the Grigori adds substantial fuel to the debate about free will, especially as it applies to angels. Could God have known that the Grigori would be so utterly corruptible and that He would banish them, only to have their Children play a major supporting role to the other Choirs in their darkest hour? It's possible - He is God, after all. However, this implies that God has plans for all angels, and He has removed any choice they may have in the matter. Angels who buy into this see themselves as the literal and not metaphorical 'Hands of God.' Think about that for a second. Existing merely as the extension of the will of a greater being still will certainly give you a different perspective on life.
Angels and their Colas
The following illustrates the behaviors of the various Choirs of angels by abstractly describing how they would deal with getting a drink form a soda machine.
A Seraph would disdainfully ask another angel to handle the matter for them.
A Cherub would watch someone else using it to see how it works, find a way to get some money, get their soda, then go out and find someone who they think needs a drink.
An Ofanite would smash the front of the machine, grab as many soda as they could carry and escape before attracting any more attention.
An Elohite would recognize the machine for what it is, which is an extension of the marketing branch of the company it is made by, designed to suck money and soul from customers. The angel would take it home and dismantle is at his leisure, marveling at the simplicity of design and complexity of purpose.
A Malakite would find no redeeming qualities in carbonated beverages.
A Kyriotate would reach for the money and... Hey, this guy's got some cool stuff in his pockets!
A Mercurian would put the money in the slot and get a drink. (Mercurians always have a bit of spare change)
Bands of Demons
When angels fell, each Choir became a different Band, thus each Choir of angels (except Malakim) corresponds to a Band of demons (except Lilim). A Band is a category, not a social circle; a demon understands members of its own Band, but doesn't necessarily like them or (Lucifer forbid) trust them. Like the Choirs, each Band has a resonance, and if its members go against that, they generate dissonance. Cut off from the Symphony, each demon has his/ her own personal one, which is nothing to the power of the true Symphony, but is nonetheless extremely effective against individual angels, who must share one Symphony with a whole Universe. Though demons cannot hear the Symphony, they can still sense disturbances in it, and likewise their Earthly actions will cause disturbances.
Balseraphs, the Liars
Balseraphs are what became of fallen Seraphim. These are the demons furthest from humanity, and widely regarded as the perpetrators of the greatest lies in the Universe, but they don't see it that way. A Balseraph cares for nothing but his/ her own unbelievably warped, twisted, paranoid, selfish world view. So selfish are they in fact, that they are the only demons that there are no humans more selfish than. For this reason, a perceptive Malakite can tell a Balseraph for what it is.
However, fallen angel or not, a Balseraph is still a Seraph at heart. A Balseraph would technically lie to you no more than their Heavenly opposites. For a Balseraph to lie, they must warp their outlook so that what they are saying is most definitely true, and cannot possibly be false. They do this with ease. For this reason, they lie like rugs and realize it, but don't think that they are lying. This researcher knows it sounds weird, but Balseraphs (and demons in general) are a pretty screwy bunch. Balseraphs are incredibly persuasive, and can always convince a human that their point of view is correct, as long as it isn't something immediately obvious like the colour of the sky. No one is going to believe that the sky is green.
In their Corporeal forms, Balseraphs are graceful and hypnotic, having the same style as Seraphim, though a Balseraph will often look somewhat darker. Their Celestial forms are similar to those of the Seraphim, but where a Seraph is clothed in openness and honesty, a Balseraph is shrouded in mystery and darkness. Apparently you can see that in the Celestial realm. If you happen to be in Hell, never ask a Balseraph if they're telling the truth - it's rude, and it makes you look stupid (as if you think they'd admit to lying) and gullible (as if you think they might tell you the truth!) Like Seraphim, Balseraphs think of themselves as stringed instruments, and the skill required to play them reinforces their vanity.
Djinn, the Stalkers
Djinn are former Cherubim. They try to pass themselves off as caring about nothing, when in fact they do - the fact that they get frustrated with the difficulty in keeping track of Shedim is testament to that. Like a Cherub, a Djinn can attune itself to something and then always know its general location and condition. However, unlike, Cherubim, Djinn don't care about what happens to the object to which they're attuned, though they cannot bring themselves to harm it personally - unless the person literally asks for it, of course. Since Djinn grant attunements without the caution of the Cherubim, they can often become trapped in divided loyalties.
Djinn don't care about music. Their Corporeal vessels are similar to those of the Cherubim, but the Djinn put no though whatsoever into their own appearance, considering vanity a sign of weakness. Their Celestial forms are dark animals escaped form a surrealist's dream. Djinn are the saddest demons, constantly divided between their desire not to care and their need to feel cared about. If you see a demon brooding in the corner, chances are it's a Djinn. Djinn get along quite well with each other, since no one else appreciates just how difficult their lives are - but they don't care. Really, they don't. Why won't you believe it?
Calabim, the Destroyers
Calabim originated as fallen Ofanim. They have externalized their motion, surrounding themselves with a field of entropy, which allows them to cause anything to collapse/ rust, break/ etc. If someone you know is a Calabite, don't leave them alone with any form of machinery; when you come back, you will find the Calabite surrounded by parts of the machine. This can get particularly dangerous if they take apart your car and the two of you end up with angels on your tails. All Calabim have Discord, through which they pour their destructive energies.
Calabim's Corporeal vessels tend to be rough-and-tumble, with dirty, wrinkled clothes and long, messy hair, brought on by the aura of entropy. Their Celestial forms are nasty, grubby, red-faced, bat-winged demons. They think of themselves as instruments of percussion, and their minds are always turned towards breaking things. If you see a trail of destruction and there are no tornadoes nearby, chances are a Calabite has come through the area.
Habbalah, the Punishers
the Habbalah are the demonic counterparts to the Elohim. While the Elohim desire perfect objectivity, the Habbalah rebelled and are some of the most emotional, subjective demons you will meet. Despite living in Hell, serving Demon Princes, and being Celestially hideous, the Habbalah believe themselves to still be angels; as a matter of fact, they believe that they are the one true Choir, eliminating the weak to make way for a new and better world. The exception is Vapula, Demon Prince of technology, who is a demon and proud of it. They are capable of manipulating and controlling humans' emotions to make them do whatever they want. Now if only they'd actually use that power for good...
I an act of rebellion against the androgynous Elohim, the Corporeal vessel of a Habbalite appears as a very beautiful, very sexual being, and they dress themselves to maximize their emotional impact. Their Celestial vessels are hideous humanesque shapes, covered in tattoos, ritual scars, and piercings. They hate all demons, what with thinking they're angles and all. They do not have a single group perception of music.
Lilim, the Tempters
The Lilim were never angels - they are all the creations of Lilith, and are all temptresses and tempters. Though most are female, there are quite a few male ones. A Lilim will always know what you want, and will give it to you in exchange for a small favour somewhere down the line. However, this is no mere promise - this is what is known as a Geas, a supernatural oath that gradually wears down the victim's will until they go along with it. Obviously, the favour that a Lilim extracts must not be too much more than that which she granted, though she may be able to extract more by being a little creative; for example, if she gave someone some badly needed money, that person could not be made to murder his boss, but he might set up a 'job interview' for the Lilim.
In their Corporeal vessels, Lilim are warm, kind, sensuous, and fun. Their Celestial forms are similar to their Corporeal vessels, but with green skin and tiny horns. Not all lilim serve a Demon Prince; some instead owe nine Geases to Lilith herself. Lilith may call in these services at any time, or trade them off to another Demon Prince, or Lucifer himself, or and Ethereal spirit, or even an Archangel. She knows a lot of people. Musically, Lilim consider themselves players rather than instruments.
Shedim, the Corrupters
Shedim are fallen Kyriotates. Like Kyriotates, they have the ability to possess mortal hosts rather than manifesting Corporeal vessels, which has earned them the nickname 'the Fleshless.' Unlike Kyriotates, Shedim can only possess one host at a time; on the other hand, Shedim have access to all their host's memories, which helps them to perform their infernal mission.
When a Shedite possesses a new host, each day is must make the host do something just a little bit worse than anything he has yet performed. Even the dirtiest, nastiest, serial killing paedophile has something they consider disgusting. However, Shedim prefer to possess quiet people, full of inhibitions and hang-ups, and gradually corrupt them. For example, a Shedite in a new host might starts off by blowing 'his' nose on a restaurant napkin. The next day, he might leave without tipping - the day after that, without paying the bill. This could continue until the victim is sniping from a tower, at which point the Shedite will find a new host, leaving the previous host to deal with the consequences. Shedim also have an interesting ability to make the victim think that he/ she is in charge all along, and all the bad stuff was their idea.
Since Shedim do not manifest their own vessels, they have no general Corporeal form. Their Celestial forms are similar to those of the Kyriotates, but even more hideous. They are the only demons uglier than Djinn, a fact which the Djinn rub in at every possible opportunity. They cannot be compared to any musical instrument crafted by human hands.
Impudites, the Takers
These are fallen Mercurians, and the nicest people you will ever meet. They will steal not just your heart, but little pieces of your soul. These demons love humanity and generally dislike associating with other demons. Only the Mercurians themselves love humanity more. They know a lot about humans and their Forces, which enables them to steal Essence if the human lets them. They tend to set up shop in well populated areas, where no one will notice a bit less good luck - plus, humans don't really believe in demons any more, and he's so ~nice~. They can't bear to kill a human - it's such a waste.
Like Mercurians, Impudites will never be caught in ugly vessels. They are not fashion critics, but will always dress well and comfortably. Their Celestial vessels resemble the classical Western image of a demon - like his/ her most recent human vessel, but with bat's wings, small horns and a dark halo *. Musically, they prefer to think of themselves as singers, like Mercurians - in the case of Impudites, rock stars more than anything
Demons and their Backrubs
The following illustrates the behavior of the various Bands of demons by demonstrating how each would set about getting a backrub from a human.
A Balseraph would walk into a massage parlour claiming to be a reviewer for ~Backrubs Monthly~.
Djinn couldn't care less about backrubs.
A Calabite would walk up to someone and say "Y'know, when I get these knots in my back, it makes me want to break things."
A Habbalite would torture someone with guilt until he/she broke down and gave the backrub.
A Lilim would walk up to someone and say "Don't you owe me a backrub?"
A Shedite would possess someone, start giving someone else a backrub, then switch bodies to enjoy the experience.
An Impudite would rather give a backrub, and steal some Essence while they're at it.
Now we've worked through that, you may wish to read about the Archangels and Demon Princes.