Journalistic Integrity

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Journalistic Integrity is what journalists use to tell as many lies as possible.
It is a deep seated belief, within the journalist's tiny, alcohol addled brain, that whatever they say will be true.
This is due to the fact the world is so hideously deformed that journalists cannot bring themselves to write
about what is really going on. So instead they try to invent a world that they can cope with.
Journalistic Integrity was banned during the years 354AD and 1623AD, but came back into fashion
when the black plague started the rounds once again. Journalists found it easier to write reports to
the local town crier from small Pacific islands, rather than actually witness the horrible disaster that
was happening in Europe.
Since then, journalists have made annual trips to the Pacific islands, in honour of the day they
took up their pens and started denying that the world was really the way it was.

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