Invasion of the Ice Lords

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Invasion Of the Ice Lords
By Andrew Smith

*Part 1*

(Unfortuuatly the final draught has been wiped from my hard drive. If you hold a copy please come forward. here is the version recovered from my old website. I believe it is missing some scenes and dialogue)

On a platform on a cold winters night an battered old police box appeared. No body noticed, the place was deserted. A figure
emerged looking rather anachronous in a kilt and sporran.
He surveyed his surroundings. There was no light so they must be under ground, then he noticed familliar tracks. He quickly
turned back to the box. "Doctor," he exclaimed in a soft
Scottish accent "we're back in the underground!"
A second figure emerged from the box, presumably the doctor, a small scruffy looking man in a chubby fur coat. "No I dont
think so Jamie, although it does appear we are on earth." He
took out a notebook and pencil and began to scribble notes.
"Hey Doctor look," exclaimed Jamie with boyish enthusiasm. He poined at a sign on the wall "Monument, what does that mean?"
"I suspect thats where we are. And according to that poster over there," he gestured toward a poster for a pantomime "we're
in Newcastle.
"Hey thats nearly Scotland!"
"Almost but not quite." smiled the Doctor. Come on lets get up to the surface. They began to walk.
"So if this isn't the underground where are we?"
"A metro station, it's the same idea but I estimate this is some time later. These trains are far more sophisticated and as
you can see advertising has kicked off in a big way."
"Aye" responded Jamie pretending to understand. Suddenly he stopped holding out an arm to hold back the Doctor as
well. "The stairs, the're moving!"
"Don't be silly Jamie, its just an esculator!" the Doctor hopped on happily and danced up to the top. "Come along!" he
shouted down.
Jamie slowly placed one foot in front of the other and stepped on. He clung to the railing with all his stength and closed
his eyes. Soon he was at the top. "I'll nae be doin that again
in a hurry"
"Don't worry, " Comforted the Doctor, "Next time we'll take the lift." He walked off toward the exit.
"Lift," shouted Jamie following after him, "yer nae strong enough tae lift me!"

Above ground in the doorway of Fenwicks department store sat Micheal Cusack. He cluched his dog in one arm and a bottle of
whisky in the other. He took a swig to combat the cold. Then he passed it on to the dog who dook a couple of licks. Snow
was beguining to fall. Soon it was quite heavey. It blew up into his face causing him to sqint. The dog began yapping and
ran out into the storm. Micheal loked up after it but all that was a visible was a large figure with a domed head. It was
probably a policman
"Aw bugger off!" he yelled. "I aint got newhere else to go."
The figure continued moving forwards. Soon it became apparent this was no policeman.
"Back off!" yelled micheal as is reached down towards him. "Help!" he screamed in vain as the creature swung down and swung a
ginormouns appendage at his neck. It was the last thing he ever said.

The Doctor and Jamie emerged from the metro station to be greeted by the blinding snow.
"It's freezing!" remarked Jamie
"Well if you do intend wearing a skirt everywhere.."
"Skirt!" cut off Jamie. "I'll have yeh know this is the kilt of ma clan."
"Listen," said the Doctor changing the subject, "We don't have time to argue. We have to find a warm building." He noticed
a light on over the street. "Look over there. Come on!" He began jogging over the street towards Fenwicks. Jamie followed
but stopped when he noticed a familiar object in the window motioning toward the Doctor. "Doctor look out! It's an ice

Attack of the Ice Lords

*Part 2*

The Ice Warrior's giant body swung towards the Doctor. He turned and gave a yell as it moved towards him. It was going to
break the glass, it was going to strike him down, it was going to... Suddenly it stopped. Then it moved back unaturaly towards it's
orrigional possition. The Doctor slowly backed away as it began its cycle again.

"Dont worry Jamie, its only an automiton" he said inquisitivley as he stook his nose up against the glass for a closer look.
"It does look remarkably similar to are icey friends though doesn't it!"

Meanwhile Jamie was accross the other side of the row of windows. He rubbed the condensation off one pane and discovered another
warrior. This time doing a robotic salute. "Hey Doctor here's another one! The whole window's full of them!"

"Yes," pondered the Doctor scribbleing furiously at his note pad, "Something is going on here. Perhaps we could take a look inside." He walked over to the door and
pulled on the handle. It wouldn't open so he pulled harder.
By the time Jamie had walked over the Doctor was using his entire body to try and force the door open. His face was turning an unfationable shade of red.
Jamie gave a an amused cougth and pointed to a sign on the door. "It says Closed"

"Well yes, quite," muttered the doctor and then slightly irritated "But we do need to get in somehow!"

"Hey," said Jamie noticing a figure leaning against a doorway just a few yards away from their own. "Perhaps this guy could tell us something" He walked towards the shadowed figure. "Excuse me!" he called trying to be heard above the strong wind. There was no reply he took a step or two closer, "Excuse Me!" something was wrong. Surely the man could see him. He stepped up close and took him by the shoulder, taking a good look at his face. the mans eyes were shut. "Hey fella," Jamie slapped at the mans face. It was cold. too cold. The young Scot stepped back in horror, relinquishing his grip and the old mans body slumped to the ground "Doctor!" he shouted, "This guys dead!"

"What? Oh my!" cried the Doctor scuttleing over and crouching down toward the body. He pulled back the sleeve of his shaggy fake fur and felt for the jugular vein. There was no pulse, perhapse the cold had killed him, but no it was worse. Feeling futher down toward the collar bone he came to a grusume conclusion, "This poor fellows had his neck broken"

Jamie looked towards the ground, half this gesture was of sadnesss the other was a way to avoid looking apon the cold expression on the dead mans face. He stared intently at the snow blanketed pavement as the Doctor moved the body to a more dignified resting pose.
"Doctor," asked Jamie noticing suspicious markings down by the door, "Have you seen these. Wheel tracks, and the're fresh."
"Hmmmm, let me have a look." He began ponderings over the markings leading up to the door, "These seem to be from a van of some kind. I think our friend here may have gotton in the way of a rather special delivery.We have to get inside. Or at least away from here"

Next morning the door of Fenwicks department store flew open and the huddled masses poured in. Today was Christmas eve and it semmed that no one wanted to waste time on last minute shopping. Saaal sat on the top floor watching this action through a security camera moniter mounted on the wall. He hissed with delight.

"Sssoon I ssshal have the power I desssserve. And the we ssshall ssee whois the ssssuperior sspecies"

He looked towards the childrens department display. His Ice caves satinactive in the corner and two Ice gaurds stood sternly waiting for the first guests. Everything was going to plan there was however something he didnt expect , behind one of the plastic trees surrounding the Ice cave set could be seen two hunched figures. They were trying to take a look at the Ice Lords, unfortunatly one of the men, the youngst had already messed that up by tripping and crashing loudly in to a try. The Lords turned to see the two intruders, then looking towards the security camera they gave a gesture indicating that they didn't know what to do. Saaal leant down to the microphone,

"Ssseal off the doorsss. They are a threat to our plan. They musssst not esssscape!"

(To Be continued)

This was never finished. But one day I shall go back. yes I shall go back.

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