C++ A Programming Language for the Mad

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A brief definition of a programming language is, a series of instructions that are converted into binary information that a computer can understand and process.
(This is of course with the exception of ancient wooden "thinking tree" of the lower plains of the isle of Mahal, which uses small chains of red ants to process instructions feed in by the privaliged "trunk beater")
This definition does not of course apply to the feared langauge of C++, the only languge which allows the programmer to create 17 bitwise copies of a single object all pointing at one another saying "thats me, over there".
Some history:
C++'s roots can be traced to the languge of C which in turn can be traced to the language of B, this proves something else, that programmers should not be left to the naming of their product (see Marketing).
The idea of C++ appears to be to allow a programmer to produce a program that is almost self aware in it's ability to move thing around. Use with extreme caution

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