A Conversation for The Nth Dimension
Doomsday Cause. Episode Five
Nice-Dalek Started conversation Jun 12, 2003
By Richard H. Wilden.
The Doctor
Mr Phillips
Professor Emil Ruscoe
Doctor Helen Harker
Ed Paskin
Lieutenant Laura Sorcha
Shock Cut to:
Sorcha: Sir, its absorbing too much power, the focus hasn’t fired. We must switch it off!
Phillips: No, my dear! We will continue, increase the temporal particle feed to maximum!
Sorcha: Phillips this is inhuman, you can’t do this! If you push it to that level it could crack and cause the backwash!
Phillips: Sorcha, I know what I am doing! The Focus must be fully charged to utterly destroy the target. Have confidence in me?
Sorcha: Phillips, please? Call it off?
Phillips: Having cold feet? Sorcha, trust me! This is the way! Computer, deactivate the shielding.
Computer: Temporal shield will deactivate in fifteen seconds.
Sorcha: Phillips think about this? The radiation readings measure over the danger limit. Without the shield you’ll kill us in seconds!
Phillips: No I won’t Sorcha! You wanted this; Barclay wanted this, to let your enemies feel your strength. You’ve brought them here and you’re not going to hide in the shadows- instead we’ll blind them with our power! The focus will fire in just less than two minutes!
Sorcha: You’ve gone too far Phillips, I don’t care anymore. I won’t let you kill us? Get away from the door you crazy fool!
Phillips: Come now Sorcha, you won’t use that on me. I am displaying our power to them, so that they know that we are prepared. You must believe me?
Sorcha: I said get back or I swear I’ll shoot you!
Phillips: I said drop it!
{He knocks the gun from her hand, sharply!}
Phillips: There now. Much better, no more interruptions, the final show will go on!
Computer: Temporal shielding deactivating in five seconds.
Sorcha: Please Phillips I didn’t mean it! Stop this, please?
Phillips: Far too late for that, if the focus doesn’t fire when they cut through those cables they we’ll all be exterminated to nothingness. We will continue- the weapon will in thirty seconds!
Sorcha: What? Phillips, we’re going to die- I know what’s going to happen!
Phillips: Do you Sorcha? Do you, can you feel the power? Feel it!
Sorcha: Sir!
{Her ‘Sir!’ extends until distorts out of place.}
Phillips: What? Oh dear, so promising too? But no matter a simple time hole, nothing more, come on focus-charge!
Computer: Temporal shielding deactivated. Warning, radiation level dangerously high. Activating safety procedures.
Phillips: Voice authorisation code: Disable. Override safety margins.
Computer: Confirmed. Power levels now at critical.
Phillips: Excellent! Now begins the real fun. All power cells at maximum, now that Sorcha is out of the way a quick re-direction of the target co-ordinates! They’ll understand my power and should they refuse then they’ll share the humans’ fate!
{He types feverishly at the keyboard, then the machinery swings about, the machine humming louder and louder.}
Computer: Targets co-ordinates altered, locked on new target awaiting activation.
Phillips: Opening the roof section!
{He presses a switch and the roof pulls back on a series of clicking gears}
Phillips: Now then. Peek-a-boo, I see you!
{He presses the switch, the machine reaches its highest pitch and then it fires, a huge screeching distorted bolt high from the room and up into the sky.}
Phillips: There now, I think that’s got their attention? Now what of him?
Shock Cut to:
Kerri: Where are you? Why have you stopped talking?
Shadow: Time is up, Check mate fool. Black wins but what is this? Your TARDIS wishes to flee, to escape; coward like your master before him.
Kerri: What? No! You can’t leave him!
Shadow: I’m afraid it wants to, the pull is so strong and the danger so very real!
Kerri: What do you mean?
{There is nothing but silence.}
Kerri: Answer me! Answer me, Damn you?
{The room explodes and distorts.}
Cut to:
Co-ordinator: Report!
1st Cyberman: Unknown energy breach has occurred on the planet. Our forces are engulfed in the process.
2nd Cyberman: Sensors indicate massive energy shock wave has covered planet surface. Effect spreading beyond atmosphere, impact in minus fifty.
1st Cyberman: Predicted damage: Total eradication of all Cyber-craft.
Co-ordinator: Abort the mission. Prepare to leave the moon’s orbit.
2nd Cyberman: Engines read full capacity.
Co-ordinator: Course correction to deep space.
1st Cyberman: Unable to proceed, gravitational force on our ships has increased. Impact in minus twenty seconds.
Co-ordinator: Move the fleet between planets to shield us from the effect.
2nd Cyberman: Impact imminent.
{The room explodes with lightning and distorts.}
Cut to:
Phillips: From death’s dark heart I’ve stabbed at thee! Now I will see if I am to receive a reaction? Computer, deactivate focus array- report status of target?
Computer: Target co-ordinates were met. The objects were destroyed upon impact.
Phillips: Perfect, lower the roof section.
{The power slowly drops in pitch. The roof starts to click and whirr as it moves.}
Phillips: That should put an end to the excess power spillage for now.
{Around him sound slowly returns to normal: alarms klaxon with the computer voice delivering messages.}
Computer: Alert! Radiation levels increasing above safety levels! All personnel evacuate research base to avoid contamination.
Philips: Oh dear. We can’t have this? Computer: Reset safety margins, activate immediate shut down of reactor-generators.
Computer: Confirmed. All units returning to normal.
Phillips: Good. Have all areas of life support returned to normal.
{The klaxons cease and the pitch of power drops. The whirlpool vanishes.}
Sorcha in the meantime has crawled to the console and is steadying herself.
Sorcha: Alive. I’m alive but the experiment? I saw…Barclay?
{Picking herself up she runs into the room, the door sliding open.}
Sorcha: Doctor? Doctor Barclay? Victor?
{She across and looks everywhere.}
Sorcha: Doctor Barclay?
Phillips: Barclay? Oh I see, the time spillage has pushed you back through a rift, no matter this should not take too long?
{Shocked, she spins round!}
Sorcha: What? Who the devil are you? What are you doing here?
Phillips: It matters not, my name. You on the other hand are Lieutenant Laura Sorcha; you are or were the assistant to the late Director Victor Barclay. I am from Omega division, I was sent to investigate Barclay’s progress; you do remember me Sorcha, surely?
Sorcha: Remember you? I’ve never seen you before in my life! Where’s Barclay, what have you done with him? Well?
Phillips: Tsk. This is the problem Sorcha, had you just accepted my word then everything might have gone so well? My name is Philips and you desired something- revenge on beings you hate so much, like Barclay you two have suffered so much but no more! Come here and take a look at the targeting scanners?
Sorcha: Okay but trying anything and you’ll get it!
{She keys in a sequence and an image flashes up.}
Phillips: There you are Sorcha, your enemies lie dead to the void.
Sorcha: Then it worked! It finally worked but where is Barclay? He wanted to see this day?
Phillips: No need to concern yourself with the past, it is behind you, dead wood you might say. He had not been feeling himself I imagine and now determination pushed him over that boundary, he was exposed to a colossal radiation blast annihilating him. As you were caught by the first shock waves after his immediate destruction I merely stepped in and turned this thing off.
You do remember me don’t you Sorcha? Mr Phillips from Omega division, I have been here for some time, of course I did hide myself from their prying eyes almost like a shadow but doubtless they all saw me arrive. Did you hurt your head?
Sorcha: Badly, knocked against the console but thank you Mr Phillips it’s nothing?
Phillips: Let me see. Ah yes, you’ve only bruised it. We would best get down to the medical bay, get you fixed up.
Sorcha: It can wait. If only he’d listened to me? Did he ever realise what danger he put us through? Those time waves must have coursed along the entire surface of the planet? Did he realise those waves could have harmed all of us?
Phillips: Stress and anxiety affect us all in different ways Sorcha, the pressure must have clouded his mind but I am sure that they survived, after all, are we dead? The waves would simply have frozen up their current of time. If I cannot assure you further then please look here on the monitor at our ‘friends’? A last great use of Barclay’s instruments.
Do you see any wounds, discomforts or fatalities? The whole process was completely harmless except for Barclay himself. I fear he may have suffered for nothing?
Sorcha: I don’t get you Mr Phillips, one moment you’re talking as though he were a friend and the next you’re laying into him!
Phillips: Sorcha! Listen to me? I am your friend, an acquaintance who worked with Barclay. He was misguided but brilliant, a great man who suffered greatly. I would never say anything bad to his name as well you know Sorcha. Remember me, know what I say is true. You can have everything as long as you listen and agree with me, is that understood?
Sorcha: Yes, look I can go myself thank you Mr Phillips, do want a coffee or something?
Phillips: Thank you but no I will be fine. I hope you will be feeling better Sorcha, there are things that need to be discussed.
{She walks out, the door slides closed.}
Phillips: At last, the final move has been made, now they will listen or else they will join the humans in hell!
Shock Cut to:
{Kerri comes to, reaching up and grasping hold of the console.}
Kerri: I’m alive? But how? That wobbly thing was going to crush us?
{The central console hums with power and then it starts to grate loudly.}
Kerri: The TARDIS! It’s taking off! Why? How? Come on one of these buttons must do something?
The scanner? Which button was it? This one? No. Perhaps this larger one?
{The scanner hums open.}
Kerri: But if we I mean I’m all right then why is he still frozen? Doctor!
{The TARDIS dematerialises.}
Kerri: Blast this thing, I can’t go without him! Please, stop? Well as the Doctor says ‘If at first you don’t succeed-improvise!’ Now how does the Doctor do this? Oh what the hell?
{She hits the console hard.}
Kerri: Ow! That hurt! I shouldn’t have hit it that hard?
{Immediately the TARDIS stops.}
Kerri: What? What’s going on? No not the lights? Great! Brilliant! Stuck in the TARDIS powerless without the Doctor. Great!
I didn’t mean to hit you that hard TARDIS, please work? Please? I don’t know if you can see me but I’m kneeling here, begging you, please work?
{Suddenly as if on cue the TARDIS comes to life.}
Kerri: Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! Don’t worry Doc, we’re coming!
{The TARDIS materialises outside but not in the same place!}
Kerri: Great now, which is the door control. Of course, it’s this large red lever?
{The doors slide open and she emerges.
Outside, the wind continues to blow gently.}
Kerri: Doctor? Doctor? Doctor? Hey this isn’t where we… I mean I left? What’s going on?
Lower ground, no large mountains to the left and… my god? What is that thing?
It looks like a giant wheat silo? A giant, white, wheat silo on this barren rock?
It must be catching this talking to yourself stuff. I’ve hardly been hanging around him and I’m talking to myself!
Doctor? He’s out there somewhere?
Perhaps someone in there can give me a hand?
{The doors slam shut.
She walks across the sandy plain towards the huge building.}
Kerri: Hello? Is anyone there? Hello? What am I doing? They’ll never hear you inside that thing, as the Doctor says ‘Look with your eyes, not with your mouth!’
{She walks across the sand then slowly the sand changes to a dull metallic clanging.}
Kerri: This ground, it’s not sand at all? It’s metal. A landing pad for some kind of space ship? And here at the edge, lights! Power is still working and where there’s power- there’s help!
Now I must find a way in there, not just for my sake but the Doctor’s! I’ll find a way Doctor, wherever you are?
Cut to:
{Wind howls throughout ravine blowing dust everywhere.
When someone coughs deeply.
Breathing hoarsely he stands up.}
The Doctor: Oh my head? What hit me? Aside from the time wave? Oh yes, the cyber-blast! But that should have killed me or allowed me to regenerate?
Must be the residual effect of the time wave. Oh dear, when I was frozen that Cyberman was very close?
That’s odd? Where’s he gone? In fact? Where’s the TARDIS gone? I’m sure I left it over there by that rock face?
Now that looks familiar? A body, a survivor from the vehicle…
Well I never? That time wave has pushed me back in time a few minutes. That will be Grell lying there and Mansk must be up that cliff. I can’t interfere with my history therefore I’ll make myself scarce.
{He turns and walks up towards another mountain.}
The Doctor: I’ve got some ground to cover but fortunately I’ll get there before I leave here? I think?
{Behind him the past TARDIS materialises.}
The Doctor: Well I never? Déjà vu all over again! Come on Doctor just a few miles in this cold area and I’ll be at the research base in no time at all. Really though I wish it had set me down a few miles closer but at least I can’t complain about the time ratio effect.
Now all I’ve to worry about is where the TARDIS is? Who’s controlling the time waves? And of course the Cybermen!
{The dust storms blow around concealing him.}
Cut to:
{Activity inside the Cyber-base is increasing.}
Cyber Com: What was the reason for the loss of time?
Cyberman: Unknown Commander. All instruments indicate several hours have passed.
Cyber Com: Yet we have no recollection of the events?
Cyberman: So it would seem Commander.
{Just then there is a powerful hum from a console.}
Cyber Com: Report.
Cyberman: Instruments indicate that all subjects are now fully converted and awaiting instruction.
Cyber Com: That is not possible!
Cyberman: It is a fact Commander. All the humans are now like us.
Cyber Com: Report status from the Cyber-scout in conflict with the Doctor?
Cyberman: Yes Commander. Communications link has been re-established with Cyber-scout.
Cyber Com: Do you report success?
{On the speaker comes the reply from the Cyberman.}
Cyber-Scout: No. The Doctor has escaped with both of the hostile beings.
Cyber Com: Instruct all scout units to seek out the Doctor. He must be captured for Cybernetic conversion.
Instruct the new division to begin assault on the Human research base but do not be wasteful: All suitable humans will be returned for conversion, you will destroy the others.
Cyberman: Yes Commander.
Cut to:
{Kerri is still examining the strange building.}
Kerri: It’s no good! No doors, windows or anything? Impossible! There must be a way in? Hello? Is anybody there? Hello?
{Inside the huge structure Paskin is monitoring the security screens.}
Paskin: What the?!
{He reaches over and presses the communicator.}
Paskin: Hello is anyone there? This is the control bay to all laboratories please answer?
{After a moment Ruscoe answers him.}
Ruscoe: This is Ruscoe, what is the matter Paskin?
Paskin: Are you busy?
Ruscoe: Very. Can’t this matter wait?
Paskin: Not really. I’ve picked up someone on the scanner.
Ruscoe: What do you mean? How far is he, she, it?
Paskin: Within a matter of inches. She looks pretty worried, in fact there seems to be some sort of obstruction in the way? Scan indicates it’s estimated two metres high, cuboid, blue with… you’re not going to believe this but it has a density which goes off the chart!
Ruscoe: How far away is this box?
Paskin: A few metres. Odd though it wasn’t there before?
Ruscoe: I’m too busy to come up there now. Send Max out, he… I mean it has to remove a test subject to the surface. Let it investigate the object.
Paskin: Very well. Do you want me to inform the others of the visitor?
Ruscoe: No I will deal with it.
Paskin: Very well, over and out. This is Control bay to MAX unit seven, seven, three, nine. Max, this is Paskin, there is an unknown visitor on the surface, allow her access. Additional: There is a strange object out there, we need a full analysis for the report.
Max: Very well Mr Paskin. I have to discharge a test subject for Professor Ruscoe and if you could- inform Doctor Harker that I will be late to complete her tasks.
Paskin: Fine Max. Just get up there!
{He clicks the communicator off.}
Paskin: Bloody robot! ‘Please inform Doctor Harker that I will be late to complete her tasks’- God why doesn’t he just marry her?
{Meanwhile Kerri is glancing around hysterically.}
Kerri: Come on, there must be a way in? A door, window even a ventilator would do?
Hey what’s this over here?
{She rushes over to the wall.}
If I can wipe away this dust. Yes! It’s a control panel and the light is still on. Now what does it do? I’ll have to press this button.
{A hum of power and the grinding of gears and soon a concealed door slides open.}
Max: Who are you?
Kerri: Oh thank god, please you must help me?
Max: This is a restricted planet, how did you get here?
Kerri: Save the inquisition until later I need help. My friend needs help.
Max: You will wait one moment while I confer with the others. Do not attempt to attack me for I am armed!
Kerri: I wouldn’t dream of it. All I want is to see my friend again!
Max: I will confer.
{A buzz fills the air- as Max signals to Paskin in the control bay.}
Max: This is Max unit 7739 to Chief Engineer Paskin.
Paskin: Paskin here. What have you got Max?
Max: I have found the unknown humanoid female outside Service shaft B. She seems distraught, shall I allow her down?
Paskin: Scan her for weapons, dispose of the body and send her down. Meanwhile check out that blue box.
Max: What about Professor Ruscoe, Harker and Phillips?
Paskin: I’ll inform them at once. Should she prove to be harmful with you I’ll get a blaster from the armoury. Paskin out!
Max: I will first have to remove the test subject.
Kerri: Subject? But that thing looks like a body bag?! Um do you need a hand?
Max: I all ready possess three arms, I require no more.
Kerri: Then I can enter?
Max: Hold still, I will run a weapon scan.
{A high pitched whine as he scans her. After a moment there is a ‘ping!’}
Max: You are clear, please step into lift.
Kerri: Aren’t you going down too?
Max: I have other duties to attend to. Like the full analysis of that blue cuboid object.
Kerri: That, oh that’s the TARDIS!
Max: Tardis? What is Tardis?
Kerri: It’s my friend’s. It’s a sort of space ship? Please I need help?
Max: Use the lift. There will be others who can help you, within.
Kerri: Thanks.
Max: Closing barrier doors.
{SFX: Cha-chunk as the lift doors slide closed.
The lift lowers slowly, the gears clicking loudly.
There is another ‘ping!’ and then the doors slide open: Cha-chunk!}
{She passes down the long metallic, cream coloured corridor.}
Kerri: Hello? Is anyone there? Please, that robot thing said to come down here. I need help. I need to find someone?
Paskin: Okay Hands up!
{Paskin is holding a laser pistol at Kerri’s head!}
Kerri: Hey what gives?
Paskin: Sorry, just to take precautions. Chief Engineer Paskin, well I’m the only engineer round here Miss…?
Kerri: Kerri. Please you’ve got help me?
Paskin: Easy girl. Now then what seems to be the matter?
Cut to:
EXTERIOR. HILLOCK, quarter of a mile from the Arcadia.
{The Doctor continues along the dusty track.}
The Doctor: How very odd? If I was transported back in time, whatever happened to ‘my’ versions of Mansk and Grell? Or more importantly the TARDIS?
Shouldn’t they have ended up pretty off in the same place as me? Well Doctor time is an interesting subject and that time spillage could have sent me anywhere? Just be glad you’re here in the past and not a million miles and a thousand years stuck on the outer limits!
Anyway the HADS would have transported Kerri to safety. Now more to the point: Who would play so irresponsibly with time? What would they gain but destruction?
And out here on this desolate place. What are the Cybermen doing here, apart from converting the entire human population! What are they doing here?
They must have some other reason to be here? What about the time spillage? No not their style at all, they don’t really understand time travel as I recall?
{The wind blows dust quickly across the ground.}
The Doctor: Goodness me it’s cold out here! I hope I’m close to that place the Arcadia? Wait a moment I’ll have the TARDIS tracker in my pocket, won’t I?
{He fumbles in his pockets.}
The Doctor: Ah here we go? Now then: Very close within two hundred metres. Problem is that’s the wrong TARDIS!
So with the help of a… a screwdriver, not my sonic one but it will do.
Now I just alter the temporal detector control to seek out any anomalous readings.
{The tracker blips loudly.}
There we go: four hundred metres in that direction. Must be the Arcadia?
There is far off crunch of stones.
What was that? Difficult to see, a lot of dust blowing up here? Yet there is something out there?
The stones crunching gets closer as the far off figures get closer.
Oh dear. It’s as I expected. Two Cybermen. On scout detail by the look of it? Now then, it’s a lot clearer out here and a lot lighter too. Help for me to know what I’m dealing with.
First thing I’ll do is duck! Now then these seem to be older, less cruder an earlier model perhaps, not unlike those I met on the Moon and yet they’re bulkier with a sonic pulse beam on that chest unit. No other weapons visible? Hydraulic muscle frames. How odd? They look like a crossbreed of two very early models.
Immune to gold-probably? Now then Radiation? Yes but not out here.
Off they go, best get to the TARDIS and quickly!
Cut to:
{Sorcha is lying down on the bed while Philips surveys.}
Phillips: I hope that you are feeling better now Sorcha?
Sorcha: No thanks to Barclay or his stupid experiments! He almost killed us all!
Phillips: But he didn’t. Now you just lie down and relax.
Sorcha: What do you mean relax? What are you planning?
Phillips: Just you relax. Sorcha, you understand: Relax.
Sorcha: Relax… yes I need some rest if you’re finished with me?
Phillips: For the moment perhaps. Now to my business, the proposition must be made.
{He crosses the room and activates an intercom.}
Phillips: Hello? Paskin? Are you there Paskin? No. Excellent!
This computer will have to do for the task in hand but first the door. I don’t need anyone else wandering in.
{He crosses to the door and clicks the lock on.}
Now then. Computer establish a secure outside communications link to these co-ordinates.
{He types them in.}
Computer: Emergency! Emergency! Unauthorised signal detected. Warning!
Communications silence has been detected! Emergency!
Phillips: Silence! Now cancel your warning system. Resume normal operations.
Computer: Confirmed.
Phillips: Open security channels. Establish a secure link to these co-ordinates.
Computer: Processing.
{The Computer, whirrs and bleeps.}
Phillips: This message must be masked from the log as soon as I’m finished delete the line!
Computer: Understood. Line now established.
Philips: Open the channel!
{There is static filling the line with interference! Then come the grating, metallic tones of the Cyber Commander.}
Cyber Com: Make your report?
Philips: There have been some radical developments, Commander. I trust you have recovered from the effects from the time wave?
Cyber Com: The anomaly has affected our systems drastically, however we are now ready to take over the research base.
Phillips: Ah. There, plans have changed Commander. The original design was to grant you security clearance codes to Earth defences however I can give you something better. I can give you creatures who are on the verge of extinction and will do anything I understand to accomplish success?
Cyber Com: Your information is irrelevant. We will take the codes and the weapons situated in the research station.
Phillips: Always the way but no Commander! I am in control and I can offer you something that your Controllers will want. You will listen to me and follow my instructions otherwise the deal is off. As you have noticed, you have lost all contact with your main party.
I have crushed your entire flotilla in an instant and unless you comply with my new terms then you will join them!
Cyber Com: Continue with your terms.
Phillips: Since your worlds died, wars ravaged your population and you are the few remaining I can grant you creatures a means to become a dominating force in this universe. I want for nothing but to see your race restored back to its former glory, the human race is pathetic and you can have all of them!
Cyber Com: How can you do this?
Phillips: It is very simple for me Commander, the first phase in your resurrection has all ready been achieved. The second is about to be initiated when it is completed you will understand completely. When you come to the station all defences will be lowered, there will be no resistance. I can promise you that they will welcome you in open arms.
{The link closes.}
Phillips{Cyber-like}: And now for phase two!
{There are many bangs coming from the door.}
Phillips: Ah hah! The cavalry arrives! Best let them in.
{He crosses to the door and pulls at a catch. The locks hiss and click as the gears screech and the doors slide open.
Entering it are both Paskin and Kerri.}
Phillips: Ah, it’s you Paskin. What do you…? And who is this?
Paskin: What? Oh it’s you Phillips?
Phillips: Quite so. Are you feeling all right or do you also have a headache?
Paskin: Oh… yes, just about, I found this girl outside.
Kerri: Kerri, my name’s Kerri. Are you all right?
Phillips: The strain is it not, Paskin? Perhaps you should take a rest break?
Paskin: Yeah… I think I might just do that. Been up for sixteen hours straight, my eyes are playing ideas on me.
Phillips: And who is this?
Kerri: Please you have to help me? It’s vital that you help me?
Phillips: Easy there child. Calm down now, we are after all friends here.
Paskin: She says her friend’s lost out there.
Phillips: I see. Miss Kerri you would best tell me what the problem is, from the beginning?
Kerri: Look my friend is out there! He’s dying! He needs my help! Please you have to help me?
Philips: But of course we will, however there is a problem, there are many sandstorms in this region. Some which are quite dangerous, if he’s out there dying he’ll have a very slim chance but nevertheless we’ll give it a go?
Paskin, perhaps you should get up to the control bay and run a full analysis on the surrounding area.
Paskin: I have. The readings look inconclusive due to the heavy sandstorm activity!
Phillips: Ah, then perhaps you should get Max to go up to the roof and adjust the aerial’s control?
Paskin: Can’t do it! Max is on a survey mission.
Phillips: He’s what?
Paskin: He’s examining this strange box-like thing outside.
Philips: Box?
Paskin: Yeah, a large cuboid not far from the west side of the perimeter.
Phillips: I see. Then recall him back. I will see to Miss… I mean I will look after our guest.
You should deal with the scanners upstairs. Have you informed the others?
Paskin: Harker’s napping and Ruscoe’s working on his pets.
Phillips: I see. Very well then, I will handle everything from now on.
Paskin: Very well then. You sure, you’re all right Kerri?
Kerri: Just a bit woozy.
Phillips: We’ll soon have you feeling better.
{Paskin leaves through the door.}
Phillips: If you’ll just come this way please? Yes just you rest on the bench. Now what about your leg?
Kerri: You noticed?
Phillips: The limp, yes let me see?
{Kerri gasps.}
Phillips: Hmm?
Kerri: I’m sorry, it’s just your hands. They’re just cold. Very cold!
Phillips: Know what they say ‘Cold hands, warm hearted’. Now I see, yes you’ve obviously bruised one of the tendons, must have caught it at a bad angle? Now that looks odd? You’ve got bruises on your arms as well and what looks like an odd burn on your front? You also look very, very pale!
My, you have been in the wars Miss Kerri.
Kerri: It’s just Kerri, drop the Miss. Thank you Mr…?
Phillips: Phillips, Just Phillips. Now then, according to my opinion you have been caught in what I could say a terrifying experience?
Kerri: You could say that. We were in the base when it was hit!
Phillips: Good grief that must have been a terrifying for you, what with the meteors crashing down and all around you.
Kerri: Meteors? What are you talking about? That place was attacked by Cybermen!
Phillips: Cybermen? They’re dead Kerri. They’ve been extinct since the last Cyber Wars, well over two hundred years ago.
Kerri: I tell you that they were Cybermen. I know that we… I met them with my friend.
Phillips: But the communications from the base have ceased, we thought it was a meteor shower? But Cybermen? Tell me how did you get away from the base?
Kerri: We travelled here in the TARDIS.
Phillips: TARDIS?
Kerri: It’s our ship or rather his ship.
Phillips: And that ship would be the object outside the Arcadia?
Kerri: Yes, how did you know…?
Philips: The scan showed it to be a recent arrival. It wasn’t there before therefore it must be your ship- logically! So you never mentioned your friend? Tell me about him?
Kerri: Well he’s a scientist of some sort? I haven’t travelled long with him. Wise, intelligent, cowardly he doesn’t seem to have a proper name: He just likes to be known as the Doctor.
Phillips: Really? Now then, I’ve seen to your wounds. You need plenty of rest like my assistant over here but not in the same room, you might be disturbed? Here take this key and go to the second corridor on your right and the first door. My quarters, I believe it will be a lot more peaceful for you. You will go there and you will relax, you understand?
Kerri: Yes, I do feel tired? Thank you Mr Phillips.
Phillips: You will I think excuse me? I have other matters to attend to in here.
Kerri: Yes, thank you Mr Phillips but what about the Doctor?
Phillips: Rest my dear, we shall do everything in our power to find him. Sweet dreams my dear Kerri.
{She walks out of the medical bay. The doors slide shut.
Phillips breathes heavily and chuckles gently.}
Phillips: Doctor! So you have survived but no matter, out of one fire and into the inferno, this time Doctor you shall not escape so easily!
Cut to:
EXTERIOR. ROCKY PLAIN, ten metres from the Arcadia.
The Doctor: So this is the Arcadia? Huge, powerful and isolated. And it seems that the air is thickening once again. Must be the trigger for time spillage? No sign of cover? Or the TARDIS for another, I better get in quickly or I might get stuck or rather sent somewhere else?
Now how to get in?
Oh these look interesting? Huge deep footprints and another set, but lighter and more rounded than the others and they seem to in this direction?
Follow the leader I think?
{His shoes crunch on the sand and metal.}
Fascinating! They seem to end at this wall. But remember Doctor, not all things are as they seem? Yes look here?
{He brushes away the sand and dust from the wall.}
Just as I thought: It seems to be some sort of control pad? But for what I wonder? Well Doctor there’s only one way to find out? Which button should I press? Green or Red?
Green is usually safety so… Red it is!
{He presses the button, instantly there is a low hum and then a squeaking and rumbling as gears turn and a door slides open.}
Well I never? It seems to be some sort of lift service shaft but leading to sub levels!
What to do Doctor? Stay up here and wait for the TARDIS or pop down the rabbit hole? Watch out Alice here I come! With a one and a two and press of the next control!
{He clicks the button and the doors close. The gears rumble loudly as the lift descends.}
Ooh, now that was a bit… Right what to do next Doctor? Find someone, ask questions, that sorts of thing? Okay!
{The hum of the motors begin to slow the pitch gradually dropping until there is a heavy rumbling followed by a deep hiss and then the door slides open- CHA-CHUNK!}
The Doctor: Ground floor: Kitchenware, camping equipment and Time accelerators.
Interesting. The air down here is still thickening which means I haven’t got much time! Hmm I don’t say much for the décor? Cream floor, walls and ceiling lit by phosphoresces at a rough guess? How very clinical.
Now I think I’ll go this way?
{The tracker blips faster and louder.}
Yes the source of the temporal energies seems to coming from this way?
He walks down the long corridor, his shoes squeaking on the shiny floor.
Ah a door! Is it locked?
{He tries it.}
Yes locked. Now then what do we have here? Oh, Another lift down? Risk it Doctor or find someone else? It’s better someone knows I’m here. Don’t really want to traipse around uninvited. That leaves me at a T-junction I think I’ll go rrr… left?
See if you can find an open door or someone at least?
{As he turns a corner he can hear faint chatter. As he gets closer a door opens beside him.}
The Doctor: I see? Hello? Anyone there? No. Good gives me a chance to look around. Now light switch? By the door. Much better.
The light hums on and the door closes.
A bit bare in here? A bed, desk, chair and a computer with… oh Computer files!
He sits down and pulls the chair in.
Now what are they called? Hmm: The life styles of the Drulac system, Project One: Thesis, Project Two: Creation, Project Three: Conclusion and what’s this one? Unmarked, intriguing!
{From close by he can here louder mutterings.}
The Doctor: Help at last?
{He pushes the chair back, its legs scraping on the floor.
He approaches the door, which slides open. He steps cautiously out into the corridor and approaches a larger door; outside it is a mobile, metallic series of shelves holding various items.}
The Doctor: Careful! Don’t hit it! Odd? Now why leave this out here? A huge trolley full of records, mostly data files and paper records as well! Now if I can just squeeze past it? Yes. Now what are they saying?
{From within the room in front of him he can hear Paskin and the others in deep conversation.}
Paskin: I’ve had problems.
Ruscoe: What do you mean problems?
Paskin: The dust storms for one thing. They’re interfering with our scanners inward and outward, perhaps it’s a reason there’s a communication fault with the base?
The Doctor: More like Cyber-interference? Deliberate sabotage.
Dr. Harker: Right? Good thinking Paskin. As soon as Max is finished, get him on to the communications antennae.
The Doctor: If I’m right, it will take more than a few repairs to sort things out.
Ruscoe: Right, but what about Phillips? Doesn’t he have this place bugged or something?
The Doctor: Now I have names, either Max or Phillips, how odd? I seem to recall that name from somewhere? The others are in there, so the others must be the culprits! Yes, down that sub-level must be the main laboratory?
{As he is saying this he bumps into the shelves knocking them to the floor with records and files clattering!}
The Doctor: Blast it! Now that’s done it.
Ruscoe: What was that?
The Doctor: Come on legs run! Run! But where? That room. Now come on.
{He sprints down the corridor and ducks into the other room. Clicking the light off and the door closes abruptly.
He sits there in the dark panting heavily and listens as the other door opens:}
Dr. Harker: Well?
Paskin: Phillips’ lapdog playing tricks!
The Doctor: So, it must be Phillips then? Right! Now Doctor you better stay here for the moment until it dies down out there! I can’t argue with that. Phillips, where have I heard that name before?
Cut to:
{Kerri is wandering along down the corridor.}
Kerri: Now what was it again? First corridor or Second corridor? I’m sure he said second? Now about the door number? Oh well I’m sure I’ll find it?
{Just then another door opens and Dr. Harker emerges.}
Kerri: Oh Sorry?
Dr. Harker: Who? Who are you? What are you doing here?
Kerri: I just got here. Please can you tell me where Mr Phillips’ quarters are?
Dr. Harker: And why do you need to go there?
Kerri: I’m tired, I was told it was best for me.
Dr. Harker: Well it’s a first time for someone like him I must say. Down this corridor and third door from the bottom.
Kerri: It wasn’t… Thanks awfully… Um Miss?
Dr. Harker: Harker. Doctor Harker, leader of project: Gamma 15. Cheeky Girl!
{Kerri carries on down the corridor and stops outside a door.}
Kerri: Just insert this card.
{The door opens immediately.}
Kerri: Odd? It’s all ready open?
{The room is in darkness but there is a faint droning going on, like a whispering.}
Kerri: Who’s there?
{Her hand reaches out as if to find the light switch when she hears the light chanting.}
Man: Om Mane padme om. Om mane padme om. Om mane padme om.
Kerri: Who’s there? I’m armed!
{Her hand flicks on the switch.}
Kerri: Good Grief! It can’t be? Doctor?
{The Doctor sits cross-legged and is chanting.}
Kerri: Doctor? Doctor! Doctor! Please Doctor it’s me! It’s me Kerri!
The Doctor: Om mane padme om. Om mane padme om. Om mane padme om.
Kerri: Doctor? For Goodness sake cut the chanting!
{And she slaps him across the face.}
The Doctor: Om mane padme… Ow! That hurt! What do you think you are doing? To interrupt anyone during a trance can be very dange… Kerri?
Kerri: Oh Doctor, it is you!
The Doctor: I very much hope so? So what kept you?
Kerri: What? Listen you vanished! Why? How did you end up here? Why did I end up here? What happened?
The Doctor: One question at a time. Firstly: You ended up here because of the HADS.
Kerri: The what?
The Doctor: Hostile Action Displacement System. Activated the moment the TARDIS would have been placed in danger! Secondly: What happened was we were hit by a massive dose of time spillage- the result of someone tampering with the nature of time! The HADS was activated and I was sent back in time, virtually in the same space, eventually I walked to here, found my way in!
Anyway I’ve found out quite a bit.
Kerri: Oh Doctor, I was so worried! I’ve even got this base looking for you!
The Doctor: Well that was very thoughtful of you and at the same time quite stupid.
Kerri: Thank you very much!
The Doctor: Oh not intentionally. Someone here is meddling with the fabric of time and also in league with the Cybermen!
Kerri: How do you know?
The Doctor: Just call it a hunch! Anyway I think it’s time I met them all, If you’ll help me up?
Kerri: I’m sorry Doctor but I have to relax.
The Doctor: No time for that Kerri. If I’m right, we’re all in terrible danger!
Kerri: I must rest. He said I have to relax.
The Doctor: Kerri please get off the bed.
Kerri: I must relax. He said go to his room and relax.
The Doctor: He? Who told you? Come on Kerri? Don’t go to sleep on me?
Kerri: …. The man told me.
The Doctor: Now please who told you to?
Kerri: … He did… Doctor… With burning eyes… Must relax.
The Doctor: Burning eyes?! Who Kerri? Who?
{Kerri yawns sluggishly.}
Kerri: … Doctor… Phillips…
The Doctor: Phillips again? Who is he, if only I could remember? Now Keri, listen to me. Fight it! This isn’t like you, fight it! You’re strong, I know this, you know this. Keep fighting, even inside you. Fight it! Kerri?
{She is sleeping.}
The Doctor: Strange? Very familiar if I can just remember? Now for this Philips chap!
Cut to:
Cyberman: Division three reports search completed throughout the military base. No further humanoids detected.
Cyber Com: Instruct them to return here at once.
Cyberman: Yes Commander. Report continues: Division Five is now within three hundred metres of the research station. They predict they will arrive within the hour.
Cyber Com: Inform Warcraft that our objective here is nearly complete!
Cyberman: Yes Commander.
Cut to:
{Ruscoe is working on his ‘creatures’.}
Ruscoe: Oh it’s impossible! I don’t have the right tools let alone materials to complete the control device for them?
{His work continues to blip continually.}
Ruscoe: It’s all right my beauties! I’ll be back in a minute, just using the communicator. Right. Hello Control bay?
Paskin: Paskin here, what is it Prof.?
Ruscoe: It’s no good. I need those supplies! Have you managed to make a link up?
Paskin: Negative Prof. Max is up there now fixing the antennae, problem is, the roof section is right in the thick of it! And my scanners aren’t working any better.
Ruscoe: I see. Inform me immediately as soon as you’ve re-established a link.
Paskin: Will do over and out.
{He returns to the console.}
Ruscoe: Yes, it may be slightly over a minute but I’m back now, so no need to worry!
{Just then the door rings.}
Ruscoe: Yes?
{The door slides open to reveal the Doctor.}
The Doctor: Oh hello there. Are you Dr. Phillips?
Ruscoe: Do I look like him? No I am Professor Ruscoe. And who may I ask are you?
The Doctor: Well I never: You’ve been experimenting in nano-technology, I see. Fascinating! Even at their scale it’s an enormous achievement even in this time period.
Ruscoe: Thank you, it’s nice to be fully appreciated round here and you are?
The Doctor: I’m the Doctor.
Ruscoe: Right, I should have known. Thank you Doctor and what are you doing here?
The Doctor: This is extraordinary, all the methods used, the materials, even the programming itself. What did you say your name was?
Ruscoe: Ruscoe, Professor Emil Ruscoe of the Nano Con. Project.
The Doctor: Ruscoe? Good Grief! May I shake your hand? Oh it is great honour to meet you in the flesh.
Ruscoe: Why thank you Doctor?
The Doctor: Sorry to come and go like this but I must see Dr. Phillips?
Ruscoe: If it’s that important to you I believe he may be next door in photo-tronics.
The Doctor: Oh thank you Sir, It is a great pleasure to meet you. I hope we shall meet again?
{The door opens as he leaves.}
Ruscoe: What a strange man!
Cut to:
{The door opens as the Doctor leaves Ruscoe’s Lab.
Phillips emerges into the corridor carrying some papers.}
Phillips: Excuse me?
The Doctor: Was that Photo-Tronics?
Phillips: Yes, what of it?
The Doctor: I presume I am addressing Mr Phillips?
Phillips: Your presumption is incorrect Sir… I am may I ask who are you?
The Doctor: I’m the Doctor.
Phillips: Oh… the friend mentioned by Miss Kerri. We thought you were lost out there.
The Doctor: Well I’m found now. Two things: Firstly- Have we met before and secondly: What have you done to my friend Kerri?
Phillips: Your countenance is unfamiliar, as is your presence on this planet.
The Doctor: My friend is acting under the impression that she has to sleep, very forcefully so. She mentioned your name.
Phillips: Your friend needed rest while her wounds, quite extensive needed to heal so I told her to rest, I did not realise that I had that kind of effect on people?
The Doctor: I see. Then you can help me, what is your field?
Phillips: Secretive work devoted to the war, need to know, you understand?
The Doctor: Oh I understand all right, you weren’t present with the others when the effect took place!
Phillips: And what effect would this be?
The Doctor: The time spillage. Everyone else was affected but not you, someone had to control it and I believe that person was you.
Phillips: Time Spillage?
The Doctor: An enormous temporal shockwave extending from this place.
Phillips: Very well Doctor I admit it. I was working on a theory that time can be harnessed as a weapon to promote war or infinite peace.
The Doctor: You’re meddling with forces you don’t understand! You are causing a great deal of harm to the space / time vortex with every experiment!
Phillips: Some sacrifices have to be made, as my mentor used to say.
The Doctor: You will stop. I believe that I was sent here to stop the perpetrator of this crime in any way possible. Now I have never been a violent man but in this case I’m willing to change! Now for the sake of countless lives, will you stop?
Phillips: Is that supposed a threat Doctor?
{Just then the intercom buzzes overhead.}
Dr. Harker: Boys, we have a problem?
Phillips: If you will allow me Doctor? Yes this is Phillips.
Dr. Harker: We have a security alert!
Phillips: Well?
Dr. Harker: The weapons locker is open and the guns are missing!
Phillips: Confirm your message, missing?
Dr. Harker: They’re all gone. The lock has been forced in by some sort of tool?
Paskin is checking the base now.
Phillips: What about Max, where is that tin soldier of yours?
Dr. Harker: Outside still, we’ve lost all contact.
The Doctor: Was he working on the antennae?
Dr. Harker: Yes it was, who is this?
The Doctor: No time. Where is the roof access point?
Phillips: I don’t understand you Doctor, one moment you’re threatening me, the next you’re trying to help us?
The Doctor: Where is it?
Phillips: Left, left and right you’ll come to a junction point where there’s a lift. The access code is G334.
The Doctor: Thank you. And please reconsider what I have said? I’ll be back soon for your answer.
Phillips: Another threat Doctor? I will think it over.
The Doctor leaves down the corridor.
Phillips: You stupid fool, how you forget so easily of me! When will it all click into place, when will the blind man finally see?
Cut to:
{The Doctor hurries down the corridor at a run.}
The Doctor: Right it was left, then left again… and right? I’m starting to believe he just made those directions up? For all I know it could have been just round the corner?
Well those are the directions and… oh typical! You’ve been led astray Doctor. Wait till I get him! No wait give him a chance? If he’s very clever he’ll do the right thing. Perhaps the lift is down here?
{He runs down the bottom.}
More corridors, better check them all just in case?
No lift for ages! When I get my hands on Philips? That name? Why does that name seem so familiar? His face it was there in my mind? I can see him. I have to focus, where is it? Oh no I’m lost! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
Well Doctor you can’t hang around here. Keep looking. Best keep looking!
Cut to:
{A loud hum emanates from a nearby console.}
Cyber Com: Report?
Cyberman: Commander, Division Five report they are now within one hundred and fifty metres from the base.
Cyber Com: Instruct them to deploy cutting equipment immediately.
Cyberman: Yes Commander. The human reports that the Doctor has been sighted within the research station and his TARDIS is located outside.
Cyber Com: Prepare the Conversion decks. The Doctor’s knowledge will aid our cause and with his TARDIS mastery over time and space will belong to the Cyber Race.
Cut to:
The Doctor: This way? Scratch that. Another scratch with this chalk.
{He makes a mark on the wall.}
Right now, three paths to the left all scratched off. Two ahead of me scratched off and two to my right, one left therefore that must be the right one? Yes I’m sure of it!
Come on Doctor, this way!
{He runs down the corridor.}
Blast! Another T-junction. I can’t hang around here, flip a coin. Heads or tails?
So I go left, no right.
{He hurries down the corridor.}
{There is a static burst as Phillips observes the screen.}
Phillips: Like the mouse in labyrinth or should I say the blind mouse that he is, twist and turn Doctor, you are a fool!
{Just then the door slides open and Ruscoe enters.}
Ruscoe: Hello? Doctor Barclay?
Phillips: What do you want Ruscoe?
Ruscoe: What do I want? Who the devil are you, one moment there’s peace and the next we’ve got strangers wandering about everywhere, now I want answers!
Phillips: Not you too Professor? Professor Emil Ruscoe I am Barclay’s assistant, you know me. Mr Phillips from Omega, I am Barclay’s link should I say to the organisation. You remember me surely?
Ruscoe: I know Barclay and Sorcha and they never mentioned you? You’re not even dressed properly in a uniform? Which means that you are a civilian and what are you doing here?
Phillips: Listen to me! I have been stationed here for as long as Barclay has, I am from Omega. I am his assistant, which you do and will remember Ruscoe. I am Phillips, Barclay is unwell and I have taken over, do you understand?
Ruscoe: I… I’m sorry for disturbing you Mr Phillips but I was wondering if you knew when Barclay will recover?
Phillips: It’s too soon to tell Ruscoe, it is very serious but not contagious, so there is no need to worry. Is there something else?
Ruscoe: Yes, I want to speak to you about a suspicious stranger wandering around, he called himself Doctor and yet he was acting a maniac! I want him restrained.
Phillips: Don’t worry about him, I’ve already got him marked!
{Meanwhile the Doctor is continuing down the corridor.}
The Doctor: It’s no good. The cream corridors all look the same to me! Wait a moment was that a door opening? Yes. Excuse me? Hello is anyone there?
{Harker appears before him.}
Dr. Harker: Yes? Oh another one and you are?
The Doctor: I’m the Doctor, please can you tell me where the roof access port is?
Dr. Harker: You were the one on the intercom, what are you doing here?
The Doctor: I’m a friend of Emily’s now please, it’s vital I get to the roof section! Where is the access port?
Dr. Harker: Just down there. But Max is on it?
The Doctor: Somehow I don’t think so? Look you must trust me.
Dr. Harker: Trust you? I don’t even know you!
The Doctor: It’s imperative that you do not listen to Philips! I don’t know why but don’t trust him at all!
Dr. Harker: What? The pass code is….
The Doctor: Yes Thank you. Sorry, must dash!
{He runs down the corridor.
Dr. Harker walks to an intercom.}
Dr. Harker: Paskin, Ruscoe! We have an intruder!
Paskin: I know. Ruscoe just radioed in. Don’t worry I’ll get him!
Dr. Harker: He just passed me, he’s on his way to the roof port. Dressed in very old clothes, he looks disturbed!
Paskin: The Roof eh? A saboteur I’ll wager? Don’t worry Doc, I’ll stop him!
{Meanwhile the Doctor has encountered the lift.}
The Doctor: Ah the lift at last! But wait a moment, if he gave me false directs, what was stop him giving me the wrong pass code too?!
Oh well I’ll never know unless I try? Just take a step forward.
{He steps forward, immediately there is a long hum of power and a computerised voice speaks:}
Computer: Access to this port requires correct security code. Please key in security code.
The Doctor: Well it’s a four-digit number! So I’m on the right track there. Let’s see now: G 3 3 4.
{The Computer hums and bleeps.}
Computer: Code recognised. Access granted.
{The bar across the lift shifts back.}
The Doctor: Right, now for my Sonic screwdriver? Sonic screwdriver? Ah here in my inner pocket. Up we go!
{He enters the lift and the gears whirr as it ascends.
Outside the dust billows all around. High overhead there are heavy thunderclaps!
The lift comes to a stop and the doors hiss open.}
The Doctor: God it’s cold out here! I should have kept my fur coat on; typical I had to leave it with Kerri.
Never mind I’ll have to make do.
{He walks out onto the roof, with gentle steps and the wind and sand blowing all around him, he cautiously approaches the aerial.}
The Doctor: Hello anyone up here? Max? I can’t see a thing without getting sand in my eyes.
Oh what is this thing? Large, bulky thing blocking my way, can I move it? No? Too heavy!
Odd shape though. Whatever can it be? Well it looks like a… robot.
Yes down here, those oddly shaped footprints in the dust down there. I guess this thing made them?
Funny though it doesn’t seem to be responding or even functioning at all! I wonder why? Hello, there’s a panel on the front open? Wires have been cut, most of the servos are missing, ripped out! No wonder it isn’t working! Wait a minute there’s writing on the front: M A X. Max 7739 Oh so this is Max! His main power’s out! This is no work of the sandstorms. No what about these aerials?
If I can just squeeze past him. Yes, oh dear the panel’s off too? He must have been caught unaware but by whom?
Well I never. These cables they’re… they’re cut! Clean through, no sign of erosion but cut by… these. Wire cutters not Cybermen then! But why sabotage the communications antennae or even the robot?
Curiouser and curiouser?
{Just then a gun is cocked!}
Paskin: Hold it right there!
The Doctor: Oh dear. This isn’t how it looks?
Paskin: I’ll be the judge of that. Get up!
The Doctor: Very well old chap, really there’s no need for this.
Paskin: Shut up and move it! Over there, now don’t move. These wires, you cut them!
The Doctor: These pliers, I found them in there with the cables.
Paskin: Max activate defence mode! Max? Did you hear what I said?
The Doctor: I’m afraid that won’t work. He also appears to be incapacitated?
Paskin: You fiend, you’ve cut us off completely. I won’t even be able to signal a satellite?
The Doctor: I can see you’re upset but really I had nothing to do with any of this.
Paskin: Shut it! Move it, into the lift!
The Doctor: No need to shout, everyone’s shouting these days?
Paskin: Quiet! If you speak again I’ll personally rip out your tongue!
{They enter the lift and the door slides closed. The motor hums into life and the lift descends slowly.
The doors slide back.}
Paskin: Right. Move it! Faster and this way.
Phillips: It’s all right Paskin, I have his friend here.
Ruscoe: What’s going on?
Paskin: This is the cause of the fault. A saboteur!
Phillips: He calls himself the Doctor. He threatened me twice Paskin and attacked my friend Sorcha.
The Doctor: No hang on a moment…?
{Paskin hits him.}
Paskin: Shut up! So you’re the Doctor, a right little saboteur you are and your friend here. What’s she- a spy?
The Doctor: Wait, please wait! I can explain everything?
Dr. Harker: Where’s Max?
Paskin: Compromised. This filth has cut out his servos!
Dr. Harker: What? Why’d he do that, is he mad?
Paskin: He’s a traitor. They both are!
Phillips: This is war, we have to carry out protocols.
Ruscoe: What are you saying? You can’t do this?
Paskin: Can’t we? Do you want to join them Professor? No? Then stand aside- this is war!
Phillips: Take no prisoners. As senior official I sentence you both to death!
Stand back. At my order Paskin.
Paskin: Right!
Phillips: At the count of three. One… Two… Three!
Shock Cut To!
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Doomsday Cause. Episode Five
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