The Interview

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: Why have you chosen Alexandra Marie Chaser as your user name?

Alex: I really like the name Alex for some strange reason; it reads backwards very nicely as Xela.* Marie is my real middle name* and Chaser just kind of brings everything together very nicely. I like my initials, too: AMC.

: So, you're graduating on June 8th. Are you excited?

Alex: Very. Especially over the past year I have become rather disillusioned with high school and I look forward to moving on to bigger and better things. I also like the idea of being able to determine which classes I want to take, and making my own schedule.

: Where will you be continuing your education?

Alex: Drew University

: Not an Ivy League school?*

Alex: No, not an Ivy League school. Drew is a fine institution, and I look forward to joining its student community.

: Very well then...I notice you have a pentagram at the top of your Personal Space. What religion are you?

Alex: Would you like the long answer* to that, or the short?*

: Did you always hold this perspective?

Alex: No. I was actually raised as a Roman Catholic,* but had various experiences that made me become disillusioned with that faith. The rituals have no meaning for me and its basic premises run counter to my values,* so I couldn't stay without feeling like I was lying to myself. I went off exploring, and am pretty happy with what I eventually found.

: Do you have anything against Catholicism?

Alex: Not really. It just doesn't work for me. I think a big part of that is that it is a patriarchal system. I have been raised sans patriarch for too long* to find any meaning in that. But if something works for someone, they should stick to it. I would never say that Catholicism - or Christianity, for that matter - is wrong, just that it isn't right for me.

: Does the whole 'Keeper of Voices' thing have anything to do with your religion?

Alex: smiley - Perhaps. I'd never thought of that. The Voices could be my deities! With all seriousness, though,* the Voices are, indeed, Voices one hears in one's head, and I keep them in case someone wants one, or needs help dealing with them. They make wonderful companions, to be quite honest,* and they often give valuable advice.

: Why the pensive robot?

Alex: Oh, that robot has been on my Personal Space since I first joined in November of 2001. I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do with it, but I really liked the robot. I suppose you could say it represents me, "conversing with the Voices."*

: What inspired you to write "Two Eaches Own"?*

Alex: Well, it's based on an expression I actually use quite often, but that assumes all people are male.* This troubled me greatly, being female. So I wanted to justify a change in spelling that would make the expression sound the same and mean the same thing, but not be male-chauvinist. I believe "Two Eaches Own" works quite nicely, and is an excellent standard to live by.

: Why such an excellent standard?

Alex: Much of the conflict in the world comes from people having different ideas, and not being able to accept the fact that not everyone is going to agree all the time, but that doesn't make one person* more "right" or "important" than another. "Two Eaches Own" is a perfect example of how two people* can each hold their own beliefs and enjoy their own lifestyle, etc., without one having to force the other to change.

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