Created | Updated Mar 28, 2002
However, when Tutankhamun became Pharoah, he was only nine, way too
young to rule Egypt on his own. So Ay "helped" him...and got
himself an awful lot of power in the process.
Then, just when Tutankhamun became old enough to rule on his own, he died.
Murdered, probably by Ay, who didn't want to give up the power he had been helping himself
to for the last ten years.
There were only two ways he could become Pharoah now Tutankhamun was dead--fight in a war or marry
Tutankhamun's widow, Ankhesenamun. But she was his granddaughter.
Ankhesenamun didn't want to marry her grandfather (not surprising) so she asked a prince from a neighbouring
kingdom to marry her instead. He agreed, but on the way to the wedding, HE was murdered too!
Guess by whom?
After that, Ankhesenamun agreed to marry Ay.