Big Brother

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A strangely popular TV programme about 12 hand-picked normal ppl who auditioned to TV bosses to take part in a very lame concept. The "goal" is to be the last person not to be voted out of a house where certain privelages such as TV and radio are not allowed. Contestants must stay in this enviroment for as long as they survive, which usually takes weeks. TV bosses make sure the hand-picked contestant have a pop-star look to them and make sure they have some real corny personalities, for ratings sake. The contestants end up living like total slobs, constantly moaning about everything, sleeping with each other, farting, picking their noses, sleeping in general 70% of the time and if they happen to be in the same room as each other and have nothing better to do, they make some of the most boring conversations ever. All in all the only thing each contestant cares about is beign the last survivor, as he/she gets a ridicilousy large cash prize. All the other rejected contestants get instant celebrity status just for living like an average person. People actually pay real money to watch this and some even go as far as watching them Live via web-cam witnessing them doing exciting things like sleeping, taking a wizz/dump, staring at the wall and other similar riveting activites. Newspapers take advantage of the shows strange popularity by featuring irrelevant incidents that occur each day in "The House" on its front page, despite the fact real issues such as War and other REAL news should only be used for it. I personally don't watch it as I couldn't possibly handle all the excitement and suspense of it all.

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