The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

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Entry organisational tree, as suggested by James. We're going to expand on this, and I've added Snazoo's contribution to the Kingdoms section.


Who are the 'Mormons'?

J: Christian church

W: Some terminology: Mormons, LDS, naming of the church after Jesus Christ, Saints.

W: Differences between LDS and other denominations (RLDS, etc)


In addition to the Old and New Testaments, LDS recognises three non-standard scriptures: the Book of Mormon is an account


J: Mention (Not in depth) the Book of Mormon, D&C and Pearl of Great Price

W: also, maybe something about the Bible and 'as far as it is translated correctly' 1, unless we put that later.


Joseph Smith



The Missouri 'execution order'

Move to Utah

Expansion within Utah

Later Expansion into USA and other countries



J: Members

J: Rate of Growth

J: This section should be larger but I can't think right now it's kind of late.

W: Building of Temples in various places; missions in other countries; ethnic group stats, etc.


W: Income from Tithing, various owned companies, stocks, etc.. LDS won't release official numbers, but there are several reliable estimates out there.

W: Also, consider writing about the aforementioned assets.


J: Maybe this should come earlier?


W: I'm wondering about footnotes or parentheses for scripture quoting... I'm going to ask about that. I'll probably end up linking to the relevant LDS Scriptures pages for Scripture references, and the page for the October Conference reference.

Let's start off with a timeline. 'Bob' is going to be our example. Bob is born, lives and (sadly) dies. His body is laid to rest and his spirit goes to the Spirit World. The Spirit World is divided into three sections: Paradise, for those who lived good lives; Outer Darkness, for those whose lives are evil; and Spirit Prison, where people who didn't know what they were doing here are sent. The Spirit World is a temporary state between this life and the resurrection (see Alma 40:11-13 in the Book of Mormon). When Bob arrives, he has a kind of 'mini judgment'. He was a really good guy, so he is sent to Paradise. Now, Spirit Paradise is not little umbrella drinks and palm courts and strawberries. President Joseph F Smith records a vision of the Spirit World he had in D&C 138. In the three days that Christ was in the Spirit World before His resurrection, He organized the spirits in Paradise as missionaries to those in Prison, so they could accept and learn the gospel in preparation for their ordinances being done in the Temples (see D&C 138:29-32). So, Bob gets to work as a missionary.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, the Second Coming happens (hypothetically, of course) and the Millennium begins. Innumerable hosts of the righteous dead are resurrected to accompany Jesus Christ at this point. Satan is bound so that he has no more power; peace, happiness and Jesus Christ reign for one thousand years. At the end of this time, Satan is given one more shot, and a huge battle ensues. Satan's booty is kicked and he and his cronies are sent forever into Outer Darkness, with much 'weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth' (Alma 40:13, in the Book of Mormon). Now comes the wholesale Resurrection. Everyone who came to Earth receives their perfect body as promised and the Spirit Prison is closed for business. Bob has now reached the big Judgment Day. This is when everyone will stand before the Judgment Bar of Christ and account for their lives. Then the shake-down will happen.

This shake-down is like a certain toy; a clear cylinder with three levels inside, each with different sized holes cut into it. At one end there is a multitude of metal balls in a variety of sizes so, when you turn it over, they fall through the holes and find their level. The bigger ones would only make it past the first level, but the smallest balls fall all the way to the end. People will be sent to the place that represents the level of living the gospel that they achieved in their lifetime.

Celestial Kingdom - This is for those people who did everything they were supposed to. They made all their covenants and endured in them faithfully. There, they will live with God, Jesus Christ and their righteous families in the mansions prepared for us. Their bodies will be celestial bodies, as glorious as the sun. They will be great the blessing of eternal increase. That means, at this level, one will be able to create worlds and have children to people them, like God the Father (see D&C 76:50-70).

Terrestrial Kingdom - This kingdom is for people who were good but didn't quite make it. Maybe they received a testimony in this life but they were not faithful to it. Perhaps they were righteous people, blinded by priestcraft. Possibly, they were good people who accepted the gospel after their death. They will be presided over by Christ and live in a glory that is like the glory of the moon to the sun (see D&C 76:71-80).

Telestial Kingdom - This is the bottom rung. It's for all those people who lived wicked lives and whose spirits were sent to Outer Darkness. They will live in a splendour that is like the stars in comparison to the sun and the moon (see D&C 76:81-85, 99-106).

Outer Darkness - Remember that this is where Satan and his minions were cast after their last battle? Well, he will be joined by a select few who 'deny the Christ'. To join this group, the Sons of Perdition, you must have received the witness of the Holy Ghost and a testimony of Jesus Christ and denied Him to the point where you have willingly participated in His crucifixion and put Him to shame. This is a lot harder to do than it sounds; it's a very select group (see D&C 76:32-38).

So, in one of these three Kingdoms, almost all of the people who came to Earth will live forever according to their eternal reward: 'God thus takes into merciful account not only our desires and our performance, but also the degrees of difficulty which our varied circumstances impose upon us. No wonder we will not complain at the final judgment, especially since even the Telestial Kingdom's glory "surpasses all understanding" (D&C 76:89). God delights in blessing us, especially when we realize "joy in that which [we] have desired" (D&C 7:8).' (Neal A Maxwell, October Conference 1996).


'Damnation' is literally like swimming into a big cement wall. Those in the Celestial Kingdom, including the Big Guy and His Son, pretty much have the run of the place. However, if you are in a lower level, you can't climb the ladder. Imagine that Bob made it all the way to the top and is living it up, but his friend Joe only made it to the Terrestrial Kingdom. Bob can call on Joe when he's at home, but Joe can't return the favour. Thus, Joe is damned and Bob is not.



The Godhead

Modern Day Prophets


J: I know I mentioned it earlier but this would be an explanation of them rather than a mentioning.

BoM, King James Ed. Bible, PoGP, D&C

W: Also, JST.

Temple Dedications


J: Including vicarious baptism for the dead.


W: Temple and civic; LDS statements on time and eternity; LDS statements on interfaith marriage.

J: Polygamy.


J: Homosexuality, Pleasurable. Basically what is and is not acceptable

Word of Wisdom

The Word of Wisdom, given in D&C 89, is a guide to members of the Church concerning healthy eating and living. It was 'sent greeting; not by commandment or constraint', but Saints are urged to follow it. The Word of Wisdom specifically prohibits the consumption of alcohol, except in Sacrament, and tobacco. It also prohibits 'hot drinks'; this is typically taken as a prohibition against tea and coffee. It also advises us to eat meat sparingly, 'only in times of famine and excess of hunger'.

The Word of Wisdom does not prohibit caffeine, although refaining from its consumption is strongly encouraged by the Church. Analysing the use of 'wholesome' and 'prudence' in D&C 89, Bishop H Burke Peterson stated in 'Q&A: Questions and Answers', New Era, Oct. 1975, that 'Two of the tests we can employ as we question the use of any food or beverage are: Is it wholesome? Is it prudent? ... It is only sound judgment to conclude that cola drinks and any others that contain caffeine or other harmful ingredients should not be used.'

The Second Coming

1Articles of Faith 8

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