Coconut Harvesting
Created | Updated Apr 3, 2006
This guide is based on harvesting coconuts. The harvesting taught in this guide is not for agricultural uses, because these ways are extremely ineffective on gathering plenty of them. This guide is for harvesting coconuts for yourself and possibly another few, not for selling plenty of it to others. It is based on my experiences in Jamaica, and is proven to work more than once.
Before you start, you should prepare by gathering rocks and finding your tree.
Gathering rocks is important because you're going to hurl them at the coconuts. The rocks have to be large. This is so important that gathering small rocks is practically unacceptable for coconut harvesting. Pebbles quite simply will never work, so don't even let your mind drift towards that possibility. Gather as many rocks as you can hold, because they can get lost or get stuck up in the tree.
Something else you may choose to bring is a bowl or cup in case sap falls from the coconut.
There are most likely many trees to choose from, because coconut trees have a tendency to reproduce quickly. If this is the case, choose the shortest tree. Or rather, choose the tree where the coconuts are closest to the ground. If there's only one or two trees, you should check how high they are. If you can't throw the rock at the coconuts, don't take the tree. Obviously. If you can hit them, but it's pretty hard, you shouldn't do it unless your desperate. Once you've chosen a tree, it's not that good of an idea to keep switching.
This part requires a great deal of patience. First try throwing them underhand, then overhand. Do both of these about ten times each. Use these twenty shots to find out whether underhand or overhand works better at aim for you. Whichever works better, use that from now on. I don't want to say "underhand or overhand," to refer to it, we'll call this "Technique." First work at the main coconut itself. Proceed higher towards the top of the coconut where it meets the tree. If you cannot hit at the stem, keep towards the top. Throw extremely hard. Pretend that coconut is somebody you really, really hate and would like to get rid of. That coconut has to be your worst enemy because without force, the coconut simply will never come down. Remember the pattern: technique, force. Technique, force. This should remain your formula throughout the entire throwing. Like I said earlier, this requires patience. If your angry about how long this is taking, you may as well take your anger out of the coconut.
<HEADER>Various Events</HEADER>
Coconut sap is defined as watery substance that is inside of coconut skin. Sap may drip out of a coconut because of a rock hitting it. Sap is perfecty healthy and can preferably be drank. Like I mentioned in the Rocks section on this page, you can collect it using a bowl or cup. If the sap is white, that's coconut milk. Be prepared, in this case, to not find any milk left in the coconut if you get it down.