The h2g2 Profanisaurus

17 Conversations

Well, since we are no longer able to even post a word beginning with F with three ***s following it, it seems a good time for us to come together and compile a proper h2g2 swear word lexicon that will beat the new filter system.

That being said, 'beating' the new filter system doesn't mean to say that we should be irresponsible and/or use our new lexicon in an abusive manner. For example, telling another researcher to 'smiley - off' is not the aim of the lexicon. Nor would it be in keeping with the general idea of still being able to express ourselves rather 'fruitily' without causing undue offense to other researchers

Suggestions are very welcome and with a bit of community effort I am sure we will end up with a list of imaginative words that enables us to carry on expressing ourselves in the manner to which we have become accustomed.smiley -

I'll put them here in alphabetical order with the name of the researher who suggested it. Starting off with. . .

Arsebiscuits! . . . Skankyrich
Badger! . . . SWL
Barking sluftast. . . SaorĂ¡nach Bomba
Barstewards . . . Teuchter
Belgium! . . . DNA
Bog off! . . . Cheerful Dragon
Botheration! . . . Teuchter
Bummocks. . . Reefgirl
Buzzards . . . dmitrigheorgheni
Consarnit! . . . Count Zero
Cowabunga . . . SWL
Crivens! . . . dragonqueen
Cruk (from Dr Who) . . . Kerr Avon
Dadburnit . . . Count Zero
Dadblameit . . . Count Zero
Dagnabbit . . . Count Zero
Ehh, chuffing heck! . . . Straightalker
F-off! . . . Boxing Baboon
Farp (botty burp) . . . Strangely Strange
Fenoble (as in 'what the fenoble!') . . . Hypatia
Fiddlesticks . . .crazyhorse
Flicking twit . . . pie shifter
Flip, flip, flippety flip flip (as an EXTREME term of exasperation) . . . SWL
Fork that . . . SoRB
Frell . . . Galaxy Babe
Frikking . . . Mudhooks
Fugger . . . Godben
Getifer you bazza! (Billy Connelly) . . . magwitch
Get knotted . . . Cheerful Dragon
Heckity (borrowed from Stephen Fry). . . azahar
Heck-a-mighty! . . . azahar
Hell's bells and buckets of blood! . . . TRiG
Hell's bells and odds boddikins . . . Cheerful Dragon
Holy Bagel! . . . Lady Pennywhistle
Mared (it's French, doncha know ) . . . Terri
Moluccan Pastors . . . Teuchter
Motherflocker . . . pedro7
Mundane noodle . . . Teasswill
Naff off! (Porridge) . . . Noggin
Notafinga . . . Teasswill
Prunes! . . . quizzical
smiley - T . . . Traveller in Time
Shickwit . . . Croz
Smeg this! Smeggin' Smeghead! (from Red Dwarf) . . . Count Zero
Splice my sausages! . . . Dr E Vibenstein
Tarnation! . . . azahar
Tartar Sauce! . . . fundamentallyflawed
Turf the AuntFannyFilter . . . LLLwas
Up yer Krunge! (from Reggie Perrin) . . . voodoobluesman
Uxsake! . . . pedro7
Zarking fardwarks! . . . Dr E Vibenstein

And some somewhat longer 'expressives' . . .

Farkin' heck who kicked the warlocks in the horlicks and began frelling all over the place?? . . . lil ol' me

Tighter than a Gnat's Chuff (Steptoe) . . . Reefgirl

Well I'll be hornswaggled! (Foghorn Leghorn) . . . azahar

Well I'll be rogered with a stiff wire brush! . . . Dr E Viberstein

Anyone wanna cook my sock? . . . Guru Rogan Josh

Well badger me sideways . . . SWL

You're such a fargin' bastich! What an icehole! (Johnny Dangerously). . . clzoomer

I'll be intercoursed up the bottom! . . . Edward the Bonobo

Jings, crivens - and help ma boab . . . Teuchter

Well stick it up your Bonobo! . . . Effers

What a load of dingo's kidneys! . . . Cheeful Dragon

You bet your sweet bippy (Tom Smothers Laugh-In 1977) . . . shagbark

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