A Conversation for The Diary Room

Diary Space for AngelicWitch

Post 1

AngelicWitch (ACE)

.....smiley - erm, can i have some asprin please??.......

.....my smiley - headhurts........

....smiley - tasmiley - angelAndreasmiley - witch

Diary Space for AngelicWitch

Post 2

Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE

Yes of course you can have some

Diary Space for AngelicWitch

Post 3

AngelicWitch (ACE)

..Thankyou very much appreciated smiley - biggrin ouch smiley - headhurts still!

smiley - angelAndreasmiley - witch xXx
Thankyou xx

Diary Space for AngelicWitch

Post 4

Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE

why don't you try meditating with me and rimmer maybe that will help

Diary Space for AngelicWitch

Post 5

AngelicWitch (ACE)

I could do, what do I need to do?? smiley - smileysmiley - ta for your help given!! Where is Big Sister?? smiley - smiley

Diary Space for AngelicWitch

Post 6

Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE

I have been asked whether I want to be Big Sis for week 2 so at the moment I guess I am Big Sis. As for meditation why not ask Rimmer?

Diary Space for AngelicWitch

Post 7

AngelicWitch (ACE)

Cool!! If you are enjoying being Big Sister the week then I am very happy thanks smiley - ta!!! But I thought we were not allowed to mention anything that is going inthe Diary Room! smiley - biggrin

Diary Space for AngelicWitch

Post 8

Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE

I have had confirmation i am Big Sis now and you need not talk about stuff in the diary room unless you feel you need to.

Diary Space for AngelicWitch

Post 9

AngelicWitch (ACE)

...okay!! thanx for your help Big Sister!!!....smiley - smiley

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