what is modifying/tuning a car

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What is modifying/tuning a car
by LegersV007

Tuning is something that can’t be defined in a sentence. Well, it could be but it would sounds real dull and unprofessional, for the definition of tuning differs from each owner and each ride . Same with the reason for fixing up a car: for some it’s just about admiration of others, for others its self satisfaction. Therefore, four humoristic types of tuning styles listed here are only tops of four different icebergs.

1. Crappy tuning. Sometimes is happens that person has a car that breathes like a grandmother who just climbed few set of stairs. Too lazy to do a good job and restore, or at least fix some of it, owners of such cars do crappy tuning. All one has to do, is put $1000 dollar worth rims on his car, that itself usually costs no more that $1000. Or even better, a sound system that will make the whole car shake and fall apart at the turn of the ON button. The intention of such tuning is to get approval and awe of others. However, they only get such approval from kids and people who can’t tell a car from a tricycle.

2. Cheap tunning. Such is done by the people who have a tight budget but know how to have fun. So the idea of cheap tunning is in its name. People have bills, taxes, kids, etc… But some manage to put something off to the side just for occasion as this. A careful search in the car stores and the internet might help finding a spoiler , halogen lights, and other exterior and interior things for a very reasonable price. It is even possible to find some engine add ons that ca bring up the power of the car. Usually products like that are easy to install at home and there is no need to spend tons of money and nerves at the local car shop. This modifying won’t cause a monstrous power and speed increase, but it will make a car a bit faster and better looking.

3. Real tuning. Example of a real tuner is a male/female who spends all, all their money on their car. These owners usually know everything about their cars. It’s not a problem for them to take the engine out right in their garage and than put it back together. Real tuners do ANYTHING to increase the power of their cars. That might includes new exhaust, bigger valves and pistons, a turbo, intercooler, high performance air filter, performance camshaft, new brake kits, performance tires, suspension, NOS, etc... Than comes the looks and the aerodynamics of the automobile. New halogen lights, new rims, Body Kits, Air Dams, Flares & Front Spoilers, new wire casing, etc... Plus a lot of these car maniacs (said only in a best way possible) put in new sits, sound system, etc... These owners’ cars become bullets whose power sometimes is unbelievable. For safety some people even have to have a fire extinguisher in their cars. This tuning always comes down to a really big lump of money. However the rush you get from simply riding in one of these cars is something you’ll never forget.

4. Last type of tuning is Luxury tuning. It’s usually done by people with a really good income and expensive cars like BMW, MERCEDES, BENTLY, etc... Mostly tuning in these cars is done to increasing the pleasure while ridding them. It might include such things as installing real wood panels, new leather seat covers, GPS systems, television, computers, bars, and basically all the things you’d least expect having in the car. The exterior of luxury cars can also be redesigned by highly professional designers. They can make these cars a real turn headers. But only a good look at them can distinguish the difference from the original.

Therefore, to do a good tune up of a car, the owner has to do a lot of consideration. Individual simply has to at first understand how much money is to be spent. Then realize what exactly do they want for their car and take their time when actually buying those parts. When time comes to installing, one has to make sure that he/she completely understands the instructions. If something isn’t clear, it is better to be checked with a mechanic. For there is nothing more aggravating than a car brought by the owner who took it apart and could put it back together.

1 ride – can be called anything that is large enough to have a seat, engine, and a place for a lady (or a guy).
2 fixing up – synonym of tuning.
3 crappy – bad, terrible, and just plain ridiculous.
4 rims – wheel disks.
5 spoiler – Sort of a wing that controls the airflow, making the car more aerodynamic.

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