The Walkman.
Created | Updated Mar 29, 2002
was that you could play your favourite music while you walk (or run, as it
became fashionable to do). The problem with this was that it weight the same
as a brick and by the time you had stopped running your hip needed
replacing. Now the walkman comes in all shapes and sizes and playing
formats. This was made possible due to the trade of technology for human
experiments by the US government with aliens in the early nineties. One piece
of technology which didn't leave Area 51 though is the Probability Noise
Machine which was smuggled onto the planet by small slant eyed, grey
creatures who wanted the blueprints for Day-Glow Deely-Boppers . The
Probability Noise Machine is great because it uses "Probability" technology
to be able to create any song in any variety of styles. It reads your thoughts
and plays the type of song that you want to hear. This has killed off the
music industry in the rest of the intelligent parts of the galaxy though the plus
point is that DJ's are now obsolete. The really cool thing about the
Probability Noise Machine is that it can fit snugly inside your digital watch.
When the American government got their hands on this they realised at once
that they had a dilemma. In one hand they had the ability to release to the
world the greatest listening devise the Earth had ever seen or, on the other,
they would certainly kill off the only Industry left which distracted the
general population from getting disgruntled at the state of their lives and
rebelling. The offshoot was ingenious (relative to human beings) as it was
simplistic as it was cleaver. They wired the Probability Noise Machine to an
Improbability Drive (found at Roswell) thus making the machine produce
improbable music. After recording what they heard they sold the so-called
music to the Music industry for lots of cash. The music companies
subsequently released it as Marilyn Manson.