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Before I start, I'd like to point out that the country I'm talking about isn't anywhere in Europe nor anywhere in the West.
Holy monkey
Today I got to the higest point of my pissed offness. It was incredible, I wanted to tear and rip anything that got near me. And the interesting thing was that it all was some guys fault from the store. I wanted to buy an internet card from the dispencing machine. I put in 10 out of eleven dollars and put a five expecting some change. The machine didn't take my money and I saw that the sign says exact change. While I was looking around for the change the machine erased the deposit I already put in it. My resonable reaction was to go to the administrator and ask for assistance. After I told my story, the freak laughed at me and told me that the only person who can help me is the guy who comes to get the money out of the damn machine.
When I came out of the store with nothing in my pockets my head was empty. With every step I got angrier and angrier. I thought to myself:
"How is it possible for a bloody store not being able to lock and unlock the machines it has IN THE DAMN STORE. Unless I'm a complete idiot the business are supposed to do EVERYTHING to help their customers. Plus the friggin bloody idiot administrator that had the nerves to laugh in my face. I would fire his ass for doing so or even take him out through the back door and shoot his ugly face at least 10 or 15 times. It because of bloody people like that ass-face, that this country suffers as much as it does. Its because of ungreatful and uneducated freaks like him the country can't feed its citizens and can't get out of debt. EVERYONE takes bribes in this country, people affraid to call the police cause it might beat the s**t out of them, and people do ANYTHING PHYSICLY POSSIBLE to get out fo army and not get their brains blown out. And ofcourse I got the lucky choice to get born in it. Its not too amazing cause thats just the way Lady Faight decided that all the bad s**t simply HAS to happen to me. Stupid ass country f#$% everything and everyone."
Thats how a simple thing like a machine mishap, made me want to kill the president and everyone surrounding him. When I got home all I could think about was the rage in me. Forunately I had some Limp Bisquit and some weights. So for the next 1 and a half I was working out as hard as I could cursing everything and everyone.
I posted this cause I wanted to show people how easy it is to become angry, I mean REALY angry

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