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Like many people i love poetry, i like other peoples and i like to write my own, im always losing them though so i am going to write them on here, it would be a bit difficult to lose them then!

This is my latest one.

Remember Me

that complete feeling of emptiness,
loneliness and disappointment.
what will happen next,
pain and tears.
that course down your face and leave your eyes sore.
wouls be so easy to et rid of, so easy to free.

That sense of the end,
there's no point in going on,
feeling completely alone.

But then,
warmth, light, hope,
you aren't alone,
what's this? A heart, who's heart?
His heart, remember, that boy you've given your life to,
promised to share with him forever.

Dry your tears,
rethink this,
you're in love, surely that's worth living for,
you cannot give up on love.

Love has a mind of its own,
love cannot be put out,
it is a fire, a flame that burns forever,
You cannot be lonely if you are in love.


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