"Jesus Is God."?

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I believe when one gives our Heavenly Father and Creator the esteem (glory) due unto His Name (Psalm 29:2, 96:8; 1 Chronicles 16:29) and when one KNOWS Him and who his anointed son truely was and is, that this will greatly increase their knowledge of the Scriptures and bring them out of the darkness of the false teachings that they were formally taught.

Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Yahshua is the son of Yahweh (I John 5:5)?

Note that the above passages does NOT say '... he who believes Yahshua is Father Yahweh?', but "... the son of Father Yahweh?"

I have never believed the false doctrine that "Jesus is God" ever since I was baptized at the age of 12 and I never will till my last breath of life. I am 52 now. It was not until shortly after I was baptized that I fully understood what the church I attended then taught. The very first thing that they taught me that caused me confusion was that "Jesus is God". They did this by directing me to go to John chapter 1 to begin a study of the Bible. I thought it strange that I should not start at the beginning of a book to read it. Now I understand what their agenda was. If our Heavenly Father and Creator and His son are not the authors of confusion, surely it must be Satan and those who follow him who are! I remember asking myself when they told me that "Jesus is God ... "Now wait a minute, was not the SON praying to the FATHER '... which art in heaven ...'? Did not the SON have his feet planted firmly on planet earth at the time of his communicating (praying) to the Father?" I quickly dismissed this pastor that had just previously baptized me as not very knowledgeable of what is taught in accordance with Scripture.

What really bothers me is that I thought that this is what all religions who taught from the Bible taught, because after questioning others of other congregations on this matter, they told me the same thing. I would hear such foolish things as "God came to earth in human form and died for our sins." Well, from what I had read in Scripture it was our Heavenly Father and Creator Who sent his son, and it was he that died, not "God". Then to make matters even worse they tryed to drill that confusing trinity doctrine into your head, and they called that "leading one to Christ". Well, I was being lead away, and being lead away I was! I began to see the Scripture as contradictory. I later stopped going to church all together and even refered to myself as an atheist. I praise Father Yahweh for bringing me back into the fold of truthful teachers! These truthful teachers are but few and far between. The "Jesus Christ is God" doctrine is widely taught among the Christian religions and many other religions.

To those who read this, please do not write and tell me that I have never truly understood the true teaching concerning the trinity and that you do not believe that your God Jesus is God the Father. I have since studied every aspect of what is taught by the proponents of these doctrines and the Scripture passages that are used to promote the "Holy Trinity" and "Jesus is God" doctrines, and I do not espouse to any of the diverse teachings. See my "Trinity Links" web page at: http://www.angelfire.com/hi2/YAHWEHFrank/TrinityLinks.html if you are interested in the diverse doctrines on the trinity.

I would also like to inform you of some studies compiled and written by Voy Wilks on the "Trinity", "Jesus is God" and the "pre-existence" doctrines. I have been greatly blessed in my understanding of Father Yahweh's word because of these studies. They are available free of charge with no obligation on your part by e-mailing: [email protected] and specifically asking for the '70+ studies compiled by Voy Wilks on the Trinity, Jesus is God, and pe-existence doctrines'. This groups web site is at: http://www.halleluyah.org . When I received these studies, they came in two separate mailings because there were so many. A few of these articles are available online at: http://halleluyah.org/Articles.html. Also there are some online studies at: http://www.intergate.com/~jcordaro by John Cordaro.

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