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babelfish's old space

click to goto the new spacebabelfish's older space @ http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/classic/A1041616

the whole babelfish fiasco
campain for<babelfishsmiley><*))<
THE CURRENT CANDIDATE? FOR ELECTION: - <*))<<*))<<*))<<*))<<*))<<*))<<*))<<*))<<*))<<*))<<*))<<*))<
Confus?? Confus?? Konfus?? Confuso?? ¿Confuso?? Confused?? Konfus?? Confuso??
Confus?? Confus?? Konfus?? Confuso?? Confus?? Confus?? Konfus?? Confuso??

The Candidates?

Candidate 1?Candidate 2?Candidate 3?Candidate 4?


smiley - grovel
En Français: qu'êtes-vous confondus environ?Auf Deutsch: was werden Ihnen ungefähr verwirrt? ?Em Português: que você é confundido aproximadamente??
En Español: ¿qué le confunden alrededor??In Italiano: che cosa siete confusi circa? ?(2x1x9x0)+(7x6) = 42?
smiley - towelsmiley - biggrinsmiley - lovesmiley - fishsmiley - hsifsmiley - fishsmiley - hsifsmiley - bluefishsmiley - orangefishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - shark
smiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovel


Hello to anyone who drops by

Will you stay for a smiley - oj

Tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of raymond k. esler's life his breakfast will taste better than any meal you or I have ever tasted.
This 'Holier THAN thou' attitude will get you nowhere.
If it looks like rain, THEN you'd better bring an umbrella.
First, I prepared the rope, and THEN I hid behind a tree and waited.
No fair, you gave him more examples THAN you gave me.
"Nothing is better then this. "
"I guess that's better then nothing. "
"He is wisest who knows he knows nothing"

'Wisest is he who knows he knows nothing'.
- - - Socrates, 470 BC, Ancient Greece
Because of this, the Oracle of Delphi said that Socrates was the wisest man in all of Greece.
No two things can be in the same place at the same time. So, if there is a substance that exists in a place, then nothing cannot be there. This immediately means that nothing can only be in places where there is a lack of existence
where would there be a place where there is no existence?People are more important than meetings. Relationships are more important than plans and budgets. And both men and women are given a chance to use their God-given gifts to make a difference in other people's lives. I feel that both men and women should be freely share ideas that are accepted or rejected not because of who expressed them but on the merits of the ideas themselves.

Also proposed were:

Also proposed were:

Also proposed were:
smiley - smiley
smiley - sadface



Version: 1.0

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