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Watch this space.

This is where I intend to write about Unitarian-Universalism. So far this is as far as I have gotten.... Don't give up on me. It will be plenty interesting when it finally sees the light of day.

Thanks for your patience.

Until then, please feel free to visit a few UU sites.

The Unitarian-Universalist Association: http://www.uua.org/main.html (USA)

The Canadian Universalist Council: http://www.cuc.ca/

The Gerneral Assembly of Unitarian and Free-Christian Churches: http://www.unitarian.org.uk/ (UK)

International Council of Unitarians and Universalists: http://www.icuu.org.uk/

The Church of the Larger Fellowship: http://www.uua.org/clf/ (serving the needs of isolated UUS)

The International Association of Religious Freedom: http://www.iarf.net/

The World Conference of Religion and Peace: http://www.wcrp.org/RforP/RFP_1_MAIN.html

The Global Directory of Religious Women's Groups: http://www.wcrp.org/RforP/womens%20program/directoryintro.html

Unitarian references on television:

The Simpsons (I suspect one of the writers is a Unitarian!)

Bart is accused of stealing money from the collection plate:
Mrs. Lovejoy, screaming to the crowd in Church: "Everyone turn around and look at this!"
Abe: What is it? A Unitarian?
Someone in the congregation: Unitarians! AGGGHHHHHHH!

Homer is talking to Lisa about religion: "When you grow up, you can be any religion you want....except for Unitarian. That's just wrong!"

Lisa, Jr.: Amy said that there are lots of religions. Which is
the right one?
Homer: Well, not the Unitarians. If that's the one true
faith, I'll eat my hat.

The episode where Maude Flanders dies (tragic ball-park accident). Bart is sent up to play with Rod and Todd. They are playing the computer game "Baptise the Heathens". Bart finally zaps a "heathen":

"Alright I got him".

Rod (or is it Todd) says "No, Bart. You just winged him. Now he's a Unitarian."

Rev. Lovejoy: Or you could try a bowl of this Unitarian ice cream.
Bart: But there's nothing in it.
Rev. Lovejoy: Exactly!

From "King of the Hill"

In the 2-part eposode "Death of a Propane Salesman", Luanne's boyfriend Buckley and Hank (and Chuck Mangione) got blown up at the Megalomart, Hank becomes paranoid of propane. He makes every attempt to avoid using propane.

PEGGY: They need your help at Buckley's wake, manning the grill.
HANK: A grill? Is it propane?
PEGGY: Of course it's propane! They're not Unitarians

Oddities from websites:

"The Garter
It's far too rare in this society that you find religious covenants in conjunction with the throwing of undergarments. Unless you're a Unitarian....." From a list rating various wedding traditions (do check out the site where the author rates everything from crazy Korean snackfoods to characters from Mr. Rogers' Neighbourhood... it is very funny)


* What do you get when you cross a Jehovah's Witness with a Unitarian?
* Someone who goes around knocking on doors but isn't quite sure why...

Garrison Keillor, in "NYC: SFX":
".....New York, always building. Always on the move. People come to New York so they can make enough money to move out of New York. (CAR PASSES, LOUD CAR RADIO, BASS TURNED UP) It's a place where you have $500 cars with a $4,000 stereo systems. (SECOND CAR ALARM) Building over there is the El Dorado. Ethical Culture Society is up there. That's the Jewish version of Unitarian. Also known as A.W.C. -- Atheists With Children."

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