Tiny snow Fairy Sugar

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Jaffa Cakes

Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar is a Japanese Anime series consisting of 24 episodes, originally created by Aoi Haruka and directed by Kimura Shinichiro, taking place in Muhlenbruck Germany.

Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar is about a young snow fairy named "Sugar" who after some long trials befriends "Saga". A young girl living with her grandmother, who has the ability to see fairies.
Though probably willing to admit it isn't because she wants to.

In Tiny Snow Fairy each one of the six fairies controls one aspect of the weather. Sugar being snow.

In the first episode we meet "Sugar" sitting on top of a box in the rain, seemingly sick when "Saga" finds her there and thinking she is sick takes her home.

Obviously better when we see her later in the episode, we soon learn that Sugar is one hyper fairy who doesn't always fully think things through before going out and doing them and this tends to lead her into some interesting situations.
Soon we also come to learn that Sugar has a deep love for waffles
and all things sweet and will go to great lengths to get them.

The series goes on into the life of Saga and her new roomate Sugar,and her coming and going from fairyland, as she begins to learn the magic of creating snow. While Saga must be two steps ahead to keep the chaos to a minimum.

This anime series is sure to capture the hearts of all young and old. Come join Sugar and watch her on her interesting adventures often leading into trouble.

Sugar: A tiny snow fairy
Salt: A sun fairy
Pepper: A wind fairy
Ginger: A rain fairy
Turmeric: A cloud fairy
Elder: A head of all seasons fairy
Greta: Saga's rival
Ann: A best friend of Saga
Norma: Another of Saga's bestfriend's

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