help save the whale sharks and dolphins

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whale sharks and Dolpins

Hi everyone my name is Mike Chapman, i am married and have for the last 5 years been trying to help protect the Corals, Whale sharks and Dolphins in the Far East.

In my own way through my life I have helped destroy so much of the natural resorces of the world, I am in construction, I was a Joiner and over the time i have cut and turned into various items some of the most exotic timbers which would take hundreds of years to replace. Am i on a guilt trip?? may be.


This part of the far east carry out fishing with phosphates ie dynamite fishing, they use illegal nets. slowly they have been destroying the corals which in turn reduce the fish life, having a knock on effect to the other specices. I am a diver and have seen some fantastic sights and also some terrible damage.

We have worked hard and are sending money out to help the locals but there is only me and my wife, I have contacted other organisations but they only seem interested in thier part of the world or project. I want to give up construction and take this on full time, but alas i can not.

Does anyone have any advice serious advice on who i should approach.

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