Never mess with a Sicilian while death is on the line...

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I have recently gotten the wonderful oppurtunity to live in Sicily, a fair sized island just south of Italy, and controlled by the same. While living there, I got to form quite the opinion on that island. One of the first things I noticed was the volcanoe, Mt. Etna. I've been up there several many times, and I absolutely love it. The winter is the best time to go, as its covered with snow. You can ski, or you can even hike up there. Its not too tough. Id go back to the island just for the mountain, its that great. And from my room, I had a great view of the alomst constant lava flows. It really was something to look out your window at night and see a streak of bright orange glowing not far off in the distance. But personally, this was the one redeeming quality of this island.
I dont mean to put a label on Sicilians (I know a great many very nice ones, and enjoyed my life there) but there are a few things that can be unpleasant. First off, its very, very trashy. There's trash just about everywhere, which is quite different from my new home, in Heidleburg, Germany. Sicilians often burn the refuse in their lawns or in the street, so there's alot of noxious fumes floating around as well. Sicilian drivers seem to drive with a vendetta like fervor, and Ive witnessed many near death experiences. Interestingly enough, though, there are very few accidents, so maybe, being an American, Im just not used to good drivers. Who knows? Sicilians on the whole are very nice folk, although they can sometimes be a little too apathetic towards some things.The island itself really isnt that pretty, except for certain select spots. Taormina, a little coastal town, was very beautiful. But most of the terrain looks like central Texas, where I grew up. Climate is much the same I suppose.
Something you will learn very quickly is the Sicilians love of explosives. My first weekend there, some festival for some Saint (the do this just about every chance they get, which is just about every weekend) was being held, and at six in the morning I awoke to the sounds of cannons going off. I was convnced as I stumbled out of bed and got dressed that the island was being shelled. My family and I spent the better part of the morning trying to figure out what the bloody hell all the noise was. We came up with war, the volcanoe getting ready to send us to our doom, a few others, and finally that they were firing off celebratory cannons. We soon learned that this was commonplace, and we soon came to hate any kind of celebration, cause they would fire off cannons and fireworks at any time of day or night, including the godless hours of the morning or night. Ive seen fireworks displays during the DAY. Crazy. The former mayor of our little town, Pedara killed himself making homemade fireworks. Just slipped up and he blew himself into several pieces. He was an ex-fire station chief, or police chief or something.
My last comment will be on the food. Pizza is absolutely EVERYWHERE. Its a main course in the finer restraunts. Although, what Americans know from Pizza Hut as Sicilian style pizza is absolutely bunk. All the Italian immigrants to New York were southern Italian/Sicilian, so where do you think New York style Pizza has its roots? In Sicily, thats where. I never saw a pizza thicker than New York style while I was in Sicily, and the only place in Italy I ever saw it was on the border between Italy and Germany. Aside from Pizza, Sicilians make alot of good food. My personal favorite was Bruschette as an appetizer, and Mushroom Chicken; which we got at a restraunt called the Golf Club. My fav, and it saddens me that Ill never be able to go there again.
All in all, I really enjoyed the place. It had alot of flaws, but there were some cool things, and I grew to like the place. I recommend it as a place to visit. The Med is very nice.

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