round the Maypole and back

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May first looms!

America is stepping out in to a new season of self-exploration and re-evaluation. Lest it be misunderstood, I supported our (United States of America) decisions in regard to certain recent international activities. No matter what the stripe of your May Pole ribbon, the courage of great leaders and of that mass of individuals involved is worthy of remark and notable. As is the low purpose and cowardice of other players of the game. Some where in the nether world between are the suddenly exposed back sides of dogmatic and ir realist elites. For the first time in a very long time, as a nation, we have actually had to look the words of rhetoric wisdom in the face, and seen there in a paucity of worth.

We 'felt' 9-11. We are thinking our way through the rest. Of such moments, civilizations rise up from some primordial soup of human experience.

So humanity dances the dance. Round and round, now within the cycle of the fertility season and bright sunshine, of re-new-ed life, of fresh air. Of redeemed hope. This time the shift is not in the paradigm but in the pardigmest.

In closing; Msr Blair is a man of stature, yet he wants to drag the mother of all parliments in to the dark clutchs of the Euro! :-) I am still getting use to the miniaturized penny, for heaven's sake! I predict that when the face of a crowned head of state vanishs from the coinage, so to shall the sobriquiet 'UK.'

Where are the witches gathered now, when needed? Those loyal daughters that blew the Armada to its doom. Where, indeed!

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