Which Ancient are You? - A personality test

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The Ancients are a race of ancient and unfathomably dark and evil gods, intent on taking over the world and feasting on human flesh, and the subject of the excellent GameCube horror adventure game Eternal darkness: Sanity's Requiem. They bear many resemblances to various entities that have popped up in the writings of HP Lovecraft, and this test is intended to show you which one you are most like.

Q1:What is your plan for world domination?

A:Subtly manipulate the Roivas family to play the other three Ancients against each other so that they obliterate each other, then corrode the very Universe until I rule.

B:Smash, bash, crush, kill, and eat all of humanity...mmm, blood.

C:Use my boundless magick to overrule the laws of physics and take over the entire multiverse.

D:Drive everyone insane.

Q2:What is the greatest power?


B:Physical Force



Q3:How many enemies do you have?

A:More than there are stars in the sky, flesh and blood.

B:All that is good and pure.

C:A few, and they're damn good at what they do.

D:Sane people in general.

Q4:What is your essence?

A:A black heart that corrodes the very Univers around it.

B:A claw that glows with an unnatural blood red aura, seething with restrained violence.

C:A veil that shifts from plane to plane, reality to reality, never really existing but never really not.

D:A sigil like a warped angel that twists the very air around it into madness.

Q5:What can defeat you?

A:Ironically, nothing but my own magick.

B:The boundless magick of the planes.

C:Complete and utter insanity.

D:All-out physical force.

Q6:Have you ever obliterated a village?

A:Villages obliterate themselves when I'm around.

B:Why should I waste my time and power on that?


D:Where do you suppose those enemies came from?

Q7:Are you dead?



C:Death doesn't concern me.

D:What is this 'dead' you speak of?

Q8:Is all what it seems?


Mostly As

You are Mantorok, Corpse God, keeper and Warden of the other Ancients, Lord of Darkness and Master of Chaos. Sure, you may have been sealen in a temple in Cambodia and now be dead, but at least you still exist.

Mostly Bs

You are the mighty Chattur'gha. You are the most physically powerful being in the entire Universe, and your many mouths can consume any other from all sides. Your strength is such that it can overpower any enemy, no matter how intelligent. Just one word of warning: watch out for sorcerors and users of magick (sic), as magick can defeat you easily.

Mostly Cs

You are the boundless Ulyaoth, the most powerful sorceror ever to grace the Universe. You understand all the facts and principles of the multiverse, and your magick is unmatched. No amount of strength is a match for you, but beware - the magick of the planes is useless against the power of the mind.

Mostly Ds

You are the madness of Xel'lototh, insanity incarnate. No other being may look upon you and maintain his sanity for more than a nanosecond. You know more than any other being in the universe, rendering magick useless against you. However, be aware that no amount of intelligence can stop a physical attack once it has begun.

Break Even

You are Pious Augustus, servant of the Ancients. Sure, you are nowhere near as powerful as them, lacking the power to destroy them or even elevate yourself to their level, but take comfort in the fact that no human stands a chance against you in any form of engaement. You can level mountains with a touch, channel power such as mortal men can only dream, and make them raving mad with a mere suggestion. On Earth, you are truly a force to be reckoned with.

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