What is... 'The Real'??

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The question has "plagued us for centuries, since the dawn of time... it is the question that drives us mad"... no... it's not "What is the Matrix"... it's infact... is this all real??...

It is a fascinating thought to wonder about and you can't help but notice the signs or question the clues that make this "world" so "real"... for the last 4-5 years the idea of "The Real" has been immortalised in "The Matrix"... a film built around the theory that we're all controlled by "machines feeding on us"... but in the film, this only took 200 years to happen... so the "real" did ACTUALLY exist before the "machines created the Matrix" that those who are "being fed on" know the world as "The Matrix"... so why/how is it that we wouldn't remember any of this... or that the actions of making "The Matrix" film hasn't been dealt with by "The Machines"... I believe this "world" that we "live in" is "real" and we make our own actions... BUT... we are controlled by machines... thy control our everyday lives and without them we wouldn't be able to "survive"... and that is what the Wachowski brothers had in mind when making the "Mtrix" series... but 200 years ago... we weren't controlled by any machines and "we" had to fend for ourselves... it takes a lot of thinking about it... but if you REALLY think about it... it makes sense that we are infact... in our own "Matrix" created by our own minds and held together by our own thoughts...

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