The splash screen is the screen that comes up when you boot your computer. It usualy says something like "Windows 95" or "Dell" and has a nice background. To make your own splash screen, make a 256 color bitmap image with a hight of 400 pixles and a width of 320 pixles. It should have a 96 dpi resolution, but I don't think that the resolution really matters. Name the file "LOGO.SYS" and place it in the root directory of the C drive. Whatever you draw in the image will be your new splash screen. Note: If you try to rename a file to "LOGO.SYS" when it is in the root directory of C, it may generate an error. Just put the file on the desktop, rename it there, copy and paste it back into the c drive root, and say yes when it asks you about overwriting the old LOGO.SYS. The same procedure works for the shutdown screen. this screen says something like "It is now safe to turn off your computer". To replace it, you can use the same procedure as the splash screen except you must replace the file "LOGOW.SYS" in the C:\WINDOWS folder. I made a splash screen that says "Don't Panic" in big red letters and it will be on my site,, by the time you read this. Just save it as "LOGO.SYS" and copy it into the C drive's root directoty.
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