
2 Conversations

Blackadder Series 2, episode 5: Beer

The Plot:

Blackadder promises to hold a rowdy drinking competition with Melchett at his house. Unfortunately, the same night, his aunt and uncle (the two most fanatical Puritans in England) have invited themselves over for dinner to discuss his inheritance. With two parties running simultaneously, there is always the possibility of extreme disaster, especially as the Queen is there in disguise. Blackadder gets hideously sozzled and manages to insult everyone: his aunt vows that he will never get his inheritance, but that’s irrelevant as the Queen wants to execute him anyway. Luckily, the magic power of beer makes them all friends again. And Blackadder gets to sing the song about the goblin.

Baldrick’s words of wisdom:

I found it particularly ironic, my lord, because I’ve got a thingy that’s shaped like a turnip... I’m a big hit at parties… I hide in the vegetable rack and frighten the children.

Insult of the episode:

Melchett (very drunk): You twist and turn like a ... twisty-turny thing. I say you are a weedy pigeon and you can all me Susan if it isn’t so.

Words to closing song:

Blackadder couldn’t hold his beer,

The art of boozing he’s not mastered.

And I, your merry balladeer,

am also well and truly plastered.

Blackadder, Blackadder,

A bit like Robin Hood.

Blackadder, Blackadder,

But nothing like as good.

Blackadder, Blackadder,

I thought that he had died,

Blackadder, Blackadder,

The writers must have lied.


Percy: I mean, money isn’t everything. Think of clouds and daisies, and the lovely smiles on little babies’ faces.

Queenie: I may have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a concrete elephant.

Queenie: I know why you want to get out of it, because I remember the last time you had a party, I found you face down in a puddle wearing a pointy hat and singing a song about goblins.

Read the other episode guides:

Series 1:
1. The Foretelling
2. Born to Be King
3. The Archbishop
4. The Queen of Spain's Beard
5. Witchsmeller Pursuivant
6. The Black Seal

Series 2:
1. Bells
2. Head
3. Potato
4. Money
5. Beer
6. Chains

Series 3:
1. Dish and Dishonesty
2. Ink and Incapability
3. Nob and Nobility
4. Sense and Senility
5. Amy and Amiability
6. Dual and Duality

Series 4:
1. Captain Cook
2. Corporal Punishment
3. Major Star
4. Private Plane
5. General Hospital
6. Goodybyeee

These guides were brought to you by the BBCi Comedy website.

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