great fish in canada

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in canada's western part there is not too much to talk about. ok it is beautiful. partially. but that's
it. most of the time it´s nearly completely empty. but if you hit the westcoast, north of seattle
there is, you won´t believe it, a town. and it has got a name: vancouver. this city is in fact a
mirror of west-canada: it is beautiful but most of the time it is empty. and i think that is the reason why
you can get so fabulous fish here especially fresh salmon. because if there were too many people
around they would catch all the fish away, wouldn´t they ? but they not just have good salmon
there they also have a great variety of sushi. and this is something you should try to do:
get yourself the midi sized sushi take away, some cans of beer or whatever and walk down to the beach
and have dinner (an additional pleasure would be a nice girl/man on your side) and watch the sun going down.
since there is vancouver island blocking the bay of vancouver you will never have a too rough sea
to do so. by the way: a trip to the island is a journey back in time. on the island are big areas
full of an ancient rainforest which you can explore on trails. standing in a big, green cathedral
of trees is a moment in life you will never want to forget. the westcoast of the island mainly
consists of dream beaches. miles long and, guess what, empty.
if you don´t like the dreamy things too much and have a good stomach then you should head
to kamloops. this is a region which is much more countrystylish, but you should not have to big
claims concerning food. if you like rodeos you came to the right place though.

i hope you enjoyed this little roundtrip, i´ll get me a raw fish right now !

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