All h2g2 Smileys

0 Conversations

  • plain text: <name>
  • Guide-ML: <SMILEY TYPE="name"/>
  • emoticons and actions

    smiley - smileysmiley
    smiley - winkeyewinkeye
    smiley - bigeyesbigeyes
    smiley - biggrinbiggrin
    smiley - wowwow
    smiley - coolcool
    smiley - evilgrinevilgrin
    smiley - laughlaugh
    smiley - roflrofl
    smiley - somersaultsomersault
    smiley - sillysilly
    smiley - tongueouttongueout
    smiley - drunkdrunk
    smiley - okok
    smiley - cheerscheers
    smiley - sreehcsreehc
    smiley - flyhiflyhi
    smiley - tongueincheektongueincheek
    smiley - raisedeyebrowraisedeyebrow
    smiley - ermerm
    smiley - flusteredflustered
    smiley - huhhuh
    smiley - dohdoh
    smiley - headhurtsheadhurts
    smiley - weirdweird
    smiley - online2longonline2long
    smiley - cdoublecdouble
    smiley - yikesyikes
    smiley - runrun
    smiley - nurnur
    smiley - puffpuff
    smiley - yawnyawn
    smiley - sleepysleepy
    smiley - zzzzzz
    smiley - zenzen
    smiley - thepostthepost
    smiley - lurklurk
    smiley - shrugshrug
    smiley - sadfacesadface
    smiley - bruisedbruised
    smiley - bravebrave
    smiley - crycry
    smiley - wahwah
    smiley - blueblue
    smiley - envyenvy
    smiley - groangroan
    smiley - yukyuk
    smiley - crosscross
    smiley - steamsteam
    smiley - grrgrr
    smiley - hangoverhangover
    smiley - illill
    smiley - injuredinjured
    smiley - brrbrr
    smiley - rolleyesrolleyes
    smiley - sighsigh
    smiley - facepalmfacepalm
    smiley - kisskiss
    smiley - smoochsmooch
    smiley - blushblush
    smiley - loveblushloveblush
    smiley - hughug
    smiley - cuddlecuddle
    smiley - tickletickle
    smiley - drooldrool
    smiley - whistlewhistle
    smiley - nahnahnahnah
    smiley - boingboing
    smiley - toweltowel
    smiley - cheerupcheerup
    smiley - grovelgrovel
    smiley - footinmouthfootinmouth
    smiley - sorrysorry
    smiley - shhhshhh
    smiley - elviselvis
    smiley - sivlesivle

    archetypes and occupations

    smiley - angelangel
    smiley - cupidcupid
    smiley - fairyfairy
    smiley - elfelf
    smiley - santasanta
    smiley - magicmagic
    smiley - wizardwizard
    smiley - snowmansnowman
    smiley - devildevil
    smiley - ghostghost
    smiley - skullskull
    smiley - monstermonster
    smiley - vampirevampire
    smiley - zoomzoom
    smiley - witchwitch
    smiley - herohero
    smiley - doctordoctor
    smiley - nursenurse
    smiley - geekgeek
    smiley - scientistscientist
    smiley - artistartist
    smiley - profprof
    smiley - chefchef
    smiley - divadiva
    smiley - seniorsenior
    smiley - borgborg
    smiley - skiski
    smiley - surfersurfer
    smiley - clownclown
    smiley - jesterjester
    smiley - piratepirate
    smiley - thiefthief
    smiley - bikerbiker


    smiley - fishfish
    smiley - hsifhsif
    smiley - bluefishbluefish
    smiley - orangefishorangefish
    smiley - schooloffishschooloffish
    smiley - sharkshark
    smiley - dolphindolphin
    smiley - frogfrog
    smiley - dragondragon
    smiley - canofwormscanofworms
    smiley - bluebutterflybluebutterfly
    smiley - orangebutterflyorangebutterfly
    smiley - antant
    smiley - spiderspider
    smiley - tittit
    smiley - chickchick
    smiley - peacedovepeacedove
    smiley - catcat
    smiley - blackcatblackcat
    smiley - fullmoonfullmoon
    smiley - dogdog
    smiley - pandapanda
    smiley - ponypony
    smiley - reindeerreindeer
    smiley - mammothmammoth
    smiley - sheepsheep
    smiley - blacksheepblacksheep
    smiley - badgerbadger
    smiley - bunnybunny
    smiley - hamsterhamster
    smiley - mousemouse
    smiley - esuomesuom
    smiley - batbat
    smiley - flyingpigflyingpig


    smiley - snowdropsnowdrop
    smiley - roserose
    smiley - petuniaspetunias
    smiley - mistletoemistletoe
    smiley - hollyholly
    smiley - xmastreexmastree
    smiley - pumpkinpumpkin
    smiley - goodluckgoodluck


    smiley - burgerburger
    smiley - hotdoghotdog
    smiley - porkpieporkpie
    smiley - friedeggfriedegg
    smiley - cheesecheese
    smiley - cheesecakecheesecake
    smiley - cakecake
    smiley - cupcakecupcake
    smiley - donutdonut
    smiley - flanflan
    smiley - nalfnalf
    smiley - chocchoc
    smiley - popcornpopcorn
    smiley - crispscrisps
    smiley - toffeeappletoffeeapple
    smiley - xmaspudxmaspud
    smiley - strawberrystrawberry
    smiley - strawberriesstrawberries
    smiley - corncobcorncob
    smiley - tomatotomato
    smiley - otamototamot
    smiley - appleapple


    smiley - pggbpggb
    smiley - bubblybubbly
    smiley - redwineredwine
    smiley - winekeywinekey
    smiley - stiffdrinkstiffdrink
    smiley - aleale
    smiley - cidercider
    smiley - stoutstout
    smiley - teatea
    smiley - coffeecoffee
    smiley - cappuccinocappuccino
    smiley - chocolateteapotchocolateteapot
    smiley - milkmilk
    smiley - ojoj
    smiley - emptyempty


    smiley - cogscogs
    smiley - eurekaeureka
    smiley - bookbook
    smiley - lovelove
    smiley - brokenheartbrokenheart
    smiley - peacesignpeacesign
    smiley - modmod
    smiley - birobiro
    smiley - oriborib
    smiley - spacespace
    smiley - simpostsimpost
    smiley - offtopicofftopic
    smiley - 2cents2cents
    smiley - sporkspork
    smiley - kropskrops
    smiley - crackercracker
    smiley - giftgift
    smiley - suitcasesuitcase
    smiley - handbaghandbag
    smiley - handcuffshandcuffs
    smiley - discodisco
    smiley - bluelightbluelight
    smiley - candlecandle
    smiley - lighthouselighthouse
    smiley - drumrolldrumroll
    smiley - musicalnotemusicalnote
    smiley - bleepbleep
    smiley - tata
    smiley - dontpanicdontpanic
    smiley - snorksnork
    smiley - busbus
    smiley - footprintsfootprints
    smiley - stnirptoofstnirptoof
    smiley - islandisland
    smiley - applauseapplause
    smiley - racket1racket1
    smiley - racket2racket2
    smiley - tennisballtennisball
    smiley - footballfootball
    smiley - snowballsnowball
    smiley - llabwonsllabwons

    cosmos / sci-fi

    smiley - alienfrownalienfrown
    smiley - aliensmilealiensmile
    smiley - martianfrownmartianfrown
    smiley - martiansmilemartiansmile
    smiley - crescentmooncrescentmoon
    smiley - moonmoon
    smiley - earthearth
    smiley - marsmars
    smiley - planetplanet
    smiley - starstar
    smiley - galaxygalaxy
    smiley - rainbowrainbow
    smiley - rocketrocket
    smiley - tekcortekcor
    smiley - ufoufo
    smiley - tardistardis

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