Insanity . . . And How To Keep It That Way

2 Conversations

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
"D*mn f***ing stupid Hell raising-"
"Shut up, Ted!"
"Mumble, grumble, gripe, bitch."
Sound familiar? If it does, then the join the club. Most of the world already suffers from what scientists(overpaid nerds), psychiatrists(borderline psychos), and doctors(greedy little power mongers) have dubbed "stress." The Universe might also suffer from this mysterious stress thing but this is the Earth version of the Guide. What is this strange phenomenon? No idea. And frankly that has no relevance here whatsoever. Well . . . it might later on but back to the topic. This article is about Insanity and how to keep a healthy level of it.
There is scientific proof, though somehow the evidence was burned along with yesterday's newspaper and a bottle of redcurrant juice, that a certain level of "insanity and craziness" is needed to keep from going totally nutsoid. I.E. to keep from having nervous breakdowns. Let us call this healthy insanity level, the HIL for short. The PIL, perfect insanity level, is the state of mind of perfect contentment with whatever life one leads.
Now, there are those who wander the streets with the strangest habits. Yelling at complete strangers, starting shoe fights in a lobby, emailing everyone in the company to keep them updated about what they're doing (ex. "if anyone needs me, i'll be in the bathroom. love, ted"), walking down the middle of the street with a shoe on their head, screaming at complete strangers, talking back to the voices that tend to go anywhere they go, or developing an unusual and unnatural fear of staplers. To some this would be considered insanity and sheer silliness or weirdness. To others it would be considered normal and just plain fun. Then there are those who don't give a rat's rear end about it but for one moment let us forget about everything.
This is where the earlier mentioning of stress comes in. Okay, so you have to remember that. One of the most terrible things about Life is the eventual nervous breakdown. Somewhere, somehow (be it through something traumatic or just some stupid little mishap at the dry cleaners) there is a part of the brain that simply snaps, cracks, and goes *POP!* to cause one of these little episodes of total paranoia and major "temporary" insanity. This is from not having the HIL(healthy insanity level, just in case you really DID forget). The HIL can make the mind faster, from making up excuses and finding ways to annoy/play jokes/or drive your co-workers up the wall, and keeps this stress thing down to a minimal, from laughing so hard after you switch the company coffee to de-caf for three weeks straight then switch to espresso. That's the "Why should I keep a certain level of insanity".
Now for the How of the subject which is perfectly simple. You don't have to quit your job, which is what most men and women believe to be the cause of their stress. You do not have to take some over-priced cruise to some island in the middle of the ocean. You do not have to send the kids over to the grandparents' home. Though this is sometimes recommended not many people with jobs have the time nor the money. If that's the case then part of the answer to reaching the HIL is to do whatever you feel like. But show some common sense as well.
The rest of the answer to reaching the HIL you must find for yourself. The quest for the HIL should not be any trouble because it's supposed to be FUN. Once you have reached the HIL you can begin on the quest for the PIL. Or not. The HIL is the fun part of Life whereas the PIL is the utter contentment of the mind and not exactly necessary for existense, nice as it seems.

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