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Triscuits, for those not of North American origin, are a kind of savoury snack biscuit. They are oddly like a flattened, mini shredded wheat.

They are extremely salty, greasy, and appear to be entirely made of chemicals. They are, in fact, mostly made of wheat.

They are also highly addictive and utterly delicious (particularly when topped with cheese), although they do strip the coating off the roof of your mouth.

They come in a very American looking box - you can almost smell the trailer park.

And they aren't for wimps, either - a gorgeous piece of Triscuit PR on the official Triscuit website makes that fact most obvious:

"Triscuit's rugged design and wide cargo capacity make it tough enough for even the heartiest of snackers"

God Bless America. It has truly created a god among snackfoods.

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