Creativity or Stealing
Created | Updated Apr 6, 2003
I urgently need some answers to my questionnaire (only 7 questions)
1-The problem with copyright law in relation to modern creativity is that it refuses to make any kind of legal distinction between counterfeiting whole works for unauthorised resale and the partial or fragmentary reuse of existing work in creation of a new work.
This statement was made by Don Joyce, a recording artist who was sued by a large music company for copyright infringement. Do you agree with his statement?
2-Do you feel that sampling is an acceptable method of creating music? Briefly explain your answer
There is a body of opinion who believe that the copyright system as it exists restricts access to culture for the average person can't afford to pay for it. What are your thoughts on this view.
Can an artist who uses another artists music in creating their own profess to owning a new piece of music? Please offer a brief explanation for your answer
Some digitised samples can be so far removed from the original that they are basically impossible to identify. Does this create a new piece of music?
Can the existing copyright laws still be applicable in a digital age?
Do you believe that current copyright laws adequately take into account technological developments?