Ska: alive and well in the UK

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From reading other articles and just from general experience it seems to me that most people think Ska has become a solely American music. People do the usual thing of tracing the history of Ska. First Jamaica then Britain and then America. Some people think 3rd wave Ska is dead, others do not, but what does seem to be clear from other articles is that only American ska bands exist today. I am sorry to any new comers to ska music, this is not supposed to be a history of ska if that is what you are looking for I recommend the other fine articles on its history. In this short article I only wish to point out to Americans and British alike that there is more to ska than just Less Than Jake and Reel Big Fish, don’t get me wrong I am a fan of both bands and there are a number of first class American ska bands, too many to name. However in recent years there has been a ska revival in the UK. But due to the ska market being relatively small the American bands have taken up all the ska limelight and the British bands have found it very difficult to make any headway both in Britain and abroad. I urge you the reader, whichever side of the pond you live, to listen to some of these fine bands. Jesse James, Capdown, (spunge), Zen Baseballbat to name but a few. If we work together we can make ska rule the world!!!!!!!

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