Alien Abductions

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An Alien Abduction is the forced removal of a person from his or her physical location to another place. It may include an altered state of awareness (not to be confused with being drunk on pan galactic gargle blasters, which might explain some abduction stories) for the purpose of physical, surgical, or psychological procedures performed by non-humans.

After the abduction, the person is returned to his or her physical location and frequently has little or no recollection of the experience...except for maybe a sore groin.

Interestingly, many abductees do not seek therapy because "they have had an abduction experience" (fear of being laughed at or maybe they just can't afford it?). Rather, they seek help for a wide variety of complaints—such as vivid recurring nightmares, general anxiety, panic attacks, intense feelings of helplessness or vulnerability, and strange memories that cause them to question their sanity. Another common complaint is that of "missing time." This involves a period of time, usually ranging anywhere from forty-five minutes to several hours, that the person cannot account for (abuction is not a good excuse for someone who is perpetually late for work!).

What is compelling about abduction cases is the amount of similar, highly detailed information that abductees report. Detailed descriptions of passage to and from the craft, physical procedures and tests (human-alien cross hybridization or an undersexed nymphos imagination getting the best of decide), surgical-type instruments, and descriptions of the aliens themselves, come from many different abductees who have never met one another. Until recently these stories were not available in the media. Abductees come from all walks of life, age groups, and ethnic backgrounds.

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