Bees (flight + existence)

1 Conversation

Bees can't fly. It's been shown to be against the laws of aerodynamics, by an engineer at a dinner party. It's a fact.
But we've all seen them fly, right? well there are 2 explanations:

1. Bees never studied aerodynamics, and therefore don't know they can't fly so go ahead and do it anyway (see more).

2. Flying bees don't exist. But you've seen it? Is seeing believing (no, really)? Is seeing the truth? Bees in flight are just imaginary.

It's an unfair assumption that bees have never studied aerodynamics. They quite possibly know a lot more than us, especially if it turns out they can fly, but they can't (it's a fact remember) and therefore 2. is the only explanation.

So how about bees which aren't in flight? well they exist. no problem there.

And how about bees taking to flight and landing? Well of course, as any physicist or engineer at a dinner party could tell you, they are moving from the realms of existence to the realms of inexistence. There's a very simple explanation:

We are used to thinking in only our own reality, whereas bees occupy many dimensions. When they take to flight, they are crossing the boundries and leaving the reality we know behind (for a while anyway).

So when you see a bee flying, it's not there. You just have a feeling that it should be because it's disrupting the interdimensional membranes of space-time.

And what does all this mean? To us bees are interdimensional subimaginary organisms. Have no fear of them.

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