CGE planet: New Babylon
Created | Updated Jun 11, 2003
Here is the account of the latest battle reports:
COLONY DIARY - 19/05/03
The sky is red tonight as the colony is under attack by the infidels, rifflemen wonder the city looking for terrorists/looters as the colony is almost deserted with everyone hiding in the bunkers!!!
Enemy ships enter the shield and cause major damage to the cities industrial sector, the mechanised infantry divisions lie in ruins. The hosiptals are full of injured colonists!!!
The CGE army lie in ruins apart from a few units. Admiral Articuno gives the order to abandon colony by using a stragic peaceful ally. The barracks and several housing estates have been levelled, enemy forces have destroyed the two main shields. Enemy forces have entered the city!!!
General leveling, a few explosions, a victorious day for the Imperium Galatic, so far!!!