The Prospective Star-Studded Cast Of The (Hopefully) Upcoming HHGTTG Film

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Michael Palin - Arthur Dent
Pierce Brosnan - Ford Prefect*
Salma Hayek - Tricia McMillan/Trillian
Terry Jones - Over-protective Eddie (woman v.o.)
Terry Jones -
Terry Gilliam -
Jim Carrey - Man at the pub who miscalculates Ford and Arthur's beers
John Cleese - Slartibartfast*
Clive Anderson -
Eric Idle -
Bruce McCullough - Benjy/Frankie* (v.o.)
David Foley - Frankie/Benjy* (v.o.)
Kevin MacDonald -
Mark McKinney -
Scott Thompson -
Ed Robertson - Normal Eddie
Paul McCartney - The bartender at the pub
Rowan Atkinson -
Ringo Starr -
Jason Statham -
Vinnie Jones - Number Two on board the Golgafrinchan ship*
Nick Moran - Zaphod Beeblebrox
Lenny McLean - Vogon Prostetnic Jeltz*

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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