BBBB - Y'know what this is like?

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[Removed June 1999 - returned to February 2002]

In case you just joined us, BBBB is about QuadBee which is about the Big Bang Burger Bar project, which is a fan-based collaborative effort to create an anthology of stories based on the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. If you're still lost after all that, try clicking here and prepare to be enlightened.

I'm aware it is possible you might have searched and found this page by accident without finding the other BBBB oriented pages. For example, you may have been searching for MADONNA and just because I used her name in here, this page might show up in a search for MADONNA. Though why you'd want to search for her here in is beyond me.

Now that you know what this is about and you're all up to speed, allow me to attempt to explain what this is like. As I type this, Jim Lynn may or may not be losing sleep. I hope he's not but he might. There is the concern that QuadBee may be infringing on Douglas Adams' copyright, or otherwise causing Douglas Adams' lawyers into losing sleep. I think we can be pretty sure that Douglas Adams is not losing sleep over this. He's too busy losing sleep over the fact that Disney is responsible for making the Hitch Hiker's movie.

Walk with me now down the paths of similie and metaphor. This webpage is kinda like Douglas Adams' private estate in a virtual sense. It doesn't matter whether or not he actually owns a private estate in real life. Pretend with me that is like this big expansive mansion, owned by Douglas Adams and operated by people like Jim Lynn and Sean Solle and the other Powers That Be who haunt the estate.

Every forum and user page is like a room in the estate. Well, perhaps some of the forums are akin to a sitting room and others are more like his indoor swimming pool and still others are like the stables out back where you can ride his prized horses. Use your imagination.

Now, into this metaphor/similie, let's add Douglas Adams' most prized possessions: the characters and plot devices used in his Hitch Hiker's Guide five book trilogy. The reason why he'd have enough money to own a place like this.

Let's say in this virtual estate, I found the keys to his virtual liquor cabinet. Let's say I was able to get into his garage where he keeps all his very expensive classic automobiles. Let's say I found a way to pull out all this sporting equiptment that Douglas Adams reserves for his special guests and we can now go play tennis or football or whatever else he's got on his property. And let's say I made a formal announcement that we all enjoy ourselves.

Now if we are unkind to his property, or if for any reason Douglas Adams comes out of the kitchen and sees people he has invited to his estate running up and down the halls throwing his property all over the place and spilling drinks on his fine carpeting or breaking the furniture, well he's obviously going to get rather alarmed and perhaps a bit heated in response to the display.

But if we can find some common protocol and proper behavior while using his prized possessions, he may not send us all home without any supper.

It is very much in my best interests, and I am highly motivated, to discover a way in which we can entertain ourselves and perhaps even him with the use of his characters and plot devices from the Hitch Hiker's Guide series of books, radio shows, tv shows, graphic novels and soon to be action-packed movie. Why? Well I don't wanna get thrown out of the party.

It would be impolite to interrupt the host directly, so I have already spoken with Jim Lynn and he's trying to find the answer for us. In the mean time we should be on at least as good behavior as we would be if this were real, and Douglas Adams actually invited everyone over to England to have a party at his expense.

Keep in mind, despite our best interests, if Douglas Adams or the Powers That Be insist we all put down the expensive chinese vases and the volleyball equiptment and return to just discussing tea or waxing philosophical about the number forty-two, we'll have to do that. I mean, it is after all their party. We're just having fun at it.

Are we all up to speed now? I welcome your input.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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