BBBB - Wait! I can explain!

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[Removed June 1999 - returned to February 2002]

The Shortest Possible Way to explain this silly idea...

  1. Pick a lesser character from the Guide, or make one up.
  2. Write a short story that follows the guidelines and other junk already written, listed and linked below.
  3. In the story explain how your character gets to the Big Bang Burger Bar.
  4. Post the story in a User Page from your h2g2 home page.
  5. Start the subject line of that user page with "BBBB -" (no quotes) and then whatever you want to call it.
  6. Send me an email message, telling me the URL where you posted your story.
  7. I'll look it over and see how we can fit it into the QuadBee project.
  8. I may ask you to make changes where and when it is necessary. I hope to respond to submittors a little more often than actual h2g2 editors. I suspect I will not be able to accept some submissions the first time they are submitted. Some will need changes for reasons I can't even fathom yet. I'm hoping also to eventually accept anything that is submitted. That's a hope. It's not a promise. I'll try.
  9. Upon acceptance of your submission, I add a link to your story with the other links below.

There is more to it than that, but I'm working diligently on finding the shortest way to get the idea across, so more people will want to participate and won't feel intimidated. Please feel free to let me know if you are encouraged to participate and why or why not. =)

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