Coping with European Defecatories

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As a seasoned traveller in the North Western part of Europe I have often been confronted with alien forms of toilet pan (I am talking big jobs here). These range from the hole in the ground with grab handles - to stop the unwary user taking a step back into oblivion - through the usual British design - a sensible vertical plop into water - to the pan with a flat shelf at the rear and water filled exit to the sewer in the front!
It is the latter form of toilet pan that I have researched. To take a comfortable British-style dump with the necessary splash accompaniment - for which one normally waits for with bated breath - is impossible. After long and careful consideration I believe that I have come up with the solution to all the problems associated with this form of bog. It is merely neccessary to sit facing the cistern! So simple yet unthought of until now! No embarrasing skid marks either! If anyone would like to patent this mould breaking idea please don't forget where you read this first.
And you have a place to rest your reading material :-)

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