France's stance on War against Iraq

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I recieved the following moral question today by email:

Here is an interesting problem. What would you do if you were President
and had to make a choice?

You are the President of the United States. Scientists have discovered a
meteor that is headed towards the earth. They have calculated that it will
strike France in 2 days, at approximately 2:30 A.M. The meteor is large
enough to completely wipe France from the face of the earth forever.

France and the United Nations have requested that the United States send
all available ships and aircraft to help evacuate the country. Among the
ships and planes you could be sending are many that are being used to
fight the war on terror overseas.

As the President, you must decide: Do you...
(A) Stay up late on the night of the impact to watch the coverage live?

(B) Tape it and watch it in the morning?

I disagree with this but it did make me wee myself with titters.

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