Self-Packing in Sainsburys

1 Conversation

My girlfriend and I, by virtue of the fact of being together for 10 years this month, have a pretty darned hot and efficient shopping system. It has recently occured, however, that a particular aspect of our system has been scuppered by the introduction of a new "rule" in our local Sainsburys. Said rule may be expressed thus...

"Thou shalt not allow a customer to pack his or hers own shopping" addendum of which appears to have been introduced within the last few days...

"Thou shalt not even allow customers direct access to plastic bags, except on the specific request of such, in keeping with the new policy of 'maintaining a tidy till' "

Shopping tyranny of the highest order! My girlfriend and I have a packing system that has been perfected over the course of a decade, and now this can only be allowed to proceed at the risk of imposed guilt and a feeling of being "a big meany".

I feel the world is becoming a much harsher, colder and silly place. It saddens me greatly to be victim of such Consumer Arbitrariness.

On top of which I now find myself being accosted, at regular intervals, by overly cheerful individuals assailing my senses which the question...

"Do you have any cats or dogs?"


Please reassure me I am not alone in my frustration...


PS> why do Sainsburys increasing only sell their own brand off foodstuffs these days?

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