Modern etiquette: Prams

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Prams and buggies come in several sizes and shapes, from the compact foldaway buggy which can be collapsed with a deft touch, to the 'slightly smaller than a Mini' pram (often a twin carrier) which requires a degree in engineering to operate. Often equipped with various accessories such as raincovers, shopping baskets, changing bags and toddler boards, these contraptions are a cumbersome but necessary item in the life of a parent.

Only those who are currently undergoing the strains of negotiating the great outdoors with a pram will understand the often frustrating feeling of trying to get past other pedestrians or (horror of horrors) use public transport. Everyone will always be moving a lot slower than you are, and will always dive in front of you in some sort of suicidal move. If at all possible, try to clip the back of the offender's heels, and when they turn round to give you a dirty look, smile sweetly and apologise. However, if you are in a bad mood, give them a really filthy look which leaves them in no doubt that they shouldn't have been walking so slowly in front of you in the first place.

When on public transport, if possible, go for a bus/train that will take your pram unfolded, as it is something of a logistical nightmare to fold up a pram with baby/toddler in one arm and shopping in the other. Always make it clear from your facial expression just how harrassed you are and other passengers had better make way or else.

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