Food for thought

1 Conversation

Recipe for success

Preparation and cooking time: Anywhere between a few hours and several years.

Serves: One to infinity

One great idea. This could be replaced with a strongly held belief, a passionate reasoning, a biased (or otherwise) observation or a tight brief.
A generous cup of style (The home made variety tastes better than the ready-mixes)
2 large bags of words. You may not need both bags but make sure they contain sufficient nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, pronouns and conjunctions. Any unused words can always be stored for future recipes.
3 heaped tablespoons of grammar (the best you can afford or are afforded to you).
A good pinch of creative seasoning (do not use the ego brand.)

Carefully blend the ingredients taking care not to overdo the seasoning.
Make sure the consistency is firm but not too stiff and remove any offending lumps.
Let it stand for between an hour and several months.
Check the mixture again (If the consistency is too watery it will fail to rise and the flavour will be bland, if it is too stiff it will overcook and leave an unpleasant aftertaste).
If necessary start again with fresh ingredients.
Once firm, roll out smoothly and allow to cook in its own time.

Present simply with no garnish.

This recipe should be tried out on a few honest gastronomic friends before being served at a literary banquet…it may need tweaking.

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