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Cats are very probably some of the laziest lifeforms in the galaxy.

They manage to sleep or 'nap' approximately 85% of their lives, spending their short times awake in eating, sleeping and leaving "gifts" for the humans that think they own them.

Unlike the lazyness of humanity, cats have made an art of getting humans to do just about everything for them, from feeding and providing shelter for them, to spending exorbitant amounts of money on habitats and toys, which the cats will then shun.

They have also elevated to a high art pickiness over what they will or will not eat. They will often turn up their noses at anything that could be bought for them without acquiring a second or third job, and then, when you have finally procured just the right morsel, and mortgaged your house in the process, they decide that perhaps the first one you purchased for mere pennies was exactly what they were after all along.

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