FuerstenFeldbruck, Munich

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Fuerstenfeldbruck is a small town near Munich,

It can be called FFB or Bruck be the locals,

It can be reached on the S4 Bahn/train heading to Geltendorf and has two stations

Fuerstenfeldbruck (Near the town center)

Buchenau (Other side of Fuerstenfeldbruck)

Both stations are in Zone 8 and so are required 4 striffcards or 4 zones ticket.

To get to/from the airport cans 1h10 to 1h30 minutes.

To airport = S4 than of at Laim, then S1 or S8 to the airport

From S1 or S8 of at Laim and then S4.

The S1 is the fastest train however request the changing of platforms.

This journey requires 8 striffcard or 8 zones so it might be worth buying a day ticket if your planning to travel more that day.

Below is a link to the Fuerstenfeldbruck website but it is all in German


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