adolescent inter-environmental free association and communication AKA TEENAGE LIFE

2 Conversations

althought a broad subject i will try to iluminate some light here and there.
it can be fun, inspiring, a learning experience. Or it can amount to s**t.
a good example of this is seen in the US. where in one area teenagers are
killing themselves while only a short 4-hour flight away, you can clearly see kids
behaving just like little snobs.

well.... lets for a moment examine the good part.
theres friends, school, after-school-activities (i always thought those things are for generaly bad people)
and sex.
Now the main thing to be thinking about while your a teenager is sex.
its a fairly simple 3 letter word that has about a billion different branching issues.
Those will be discussed at a later time. thank you and have a good day.

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