Women's Institute
Created | Updated Apr 17, 2002
A History of W.I. Cookery Books.
The very first WI cookery book was published in 1945 by the WI club in order to raise funds for WI club rooms, which were originally intended to provide the facilities for country members which Federation House currently offers. All Institutes were invited to contribute recipes, which they did most generously. The bok represents the first cooperative effort by the whole movement. From the many recipes sent in, the final selection was made by the late Miss Florence Irwin, lady warden of Stranmillis Training College, cookery correspondent to the Northern Whig for many years, and author of several cookery books which make deliciousand amusing reading apart from their practical value. Miss Irwin was also a dedicated member of the WI movement.
The book “Ulster Fare” had a yellow hard back, with two-colour printing and illustrations on the front cover and linocuts by the pupils of Tullygawley Primary Elementary School as headings to each section. All this for two shillings!